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Riley's Point Of View

I watch Avery take her leave as soft blush formed on my cheeks, I don't know why I am like this around her, it's like something that I never felt before

I then shook my head as I pushed my thoughts at the back of my head as I walked back to the shelf that I was putting books back on and started it back up again, desperate for me to not have my thoughts wander to her

"So, who was that?~" a voice said behind me

I look over my shoulder to see Eden with a smug look on my face

"Nobody important" I say as I turn back around

"If he wasn't important, why did he bring you coffee, a snack, and you decided to have lunch with him?" she said smugly

I then turned to her

"Okay, first of all; that he is a she, second, she did that for me to be nice, and three..." I blink as the blush came back making me hide my face

"So, do you like her?"

"What?!" I exclaimed at her

Eden then gave out a shrug

"It seemed pretty obvious on how you two were conversating with each other, I mean, it was obvious for me at least" she said as she gave out a shrug

I look at the book I was holding, before waving my hand dismissively and shaking my head

"No way, why would I like a person that I met a day ago? I mean sure she may be good looking, and dresses elegant, and has the kindest smile when she looks at me.." I say as I trailed off a bit

"MHMMMM~~~" Eden said amusingly which made me flair up with blush

"B-but that doesn't mean anything, s-she was just do something nice is all!" I quickly say while Eden has the same amused look on her face

"If you say so" she says as she disappears within the bookshelves

I gave out a sigh as I look down at the book I as holding, I can't explain why I feel this way when I'm around Avery, maybe I have to know more about her to figure out these feelings of mine

I let out a sigh as I put the book back on its shelf, there is no point stressing about it right now, I can think about this when I get home from work

I continued to work until 7:00pm at night, it was still partially light outside I fixed my skirt before walking towards the café, my eyes widened slight when I saw Avery and a man with her, they seem close

Once our eyes met and her eyes and her also widened, we then sat there for a moment staring at each other before the man that was with her started to talk

"Avery you know you can go talk to her" he said with an amused look on his face

Avery then send him a glare before fixing her suit and walking towards me

"How was work today?" she said

Blush immediately formed on my chees as I looked away from her for a moment before looking back up at her

"It was good, how was your day?"

She then gave me a smile

"Mine was good, thank you so much for asking" 

I had a slight smile on my face as her face softened slightly

"No to ruin the moment you two have going" his friend spoke up

I then look away from the two as I put my hand covered sleeve over my mouth

"I have an idea, how about we go and grab dinner, drinks?" he asked the both of us

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