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Avery's Point Of View

I was sitting in my closet scanning all of the clothes that I would possibly wear to Riley's house, and I'm supposed to be going in a couple of hours, I then gotten a notification on my phone, I looked at it and saw that I need to go to the office, meetings after meetings this week

I let out a sigh as I throw my phone on my automin in my closet as I went back to looking at all of my clothes that hung up in front of me, I step forward and grabbed a black button down, and some grey dress pants

My eyes then wandered to one of my grey sweatshirts that I wore during my time in collage, I grabbed it with the rest of my clothes, I then threw them on the bed as I walked over to my bathroom and looked myself in the mirror

My hair was shaggy but I looked rather well rested, to be completely honest; ever since I 'reunited' as my mother would put it, with Riley, I honestly became a different person to the point that Drake even noticed

I run my fingers through my hair as I leaned agents my bathroom counter and grabbed my toothbrush, brushing my teeth as I let my mind wander to my conversation with my mother, does me and Riley have some sort of repressed memories from our childhood or something? Why can't I remember her then, if she--we truly have that close of a relationship back then, why can't I remember her now?

I let out a sigh as I spit the sudsy toothpaste out of my mouth and washed it out with some water, spitting it back out in the sink

I then hear the doorbell go off, I dry off my mouth before walking downstairs and to my front door, opening it slightly to see a box sitting on my front porch, I look over at the street to see a delivery truck pulling away from my house

I look back down at the box before picking it up and putting it in the kitchen, I then looked through the drawers to find a pair of scissors, I then use the scissors to open the box rubbing my eyes slightly as I opened the box to see dinosaur merchandise, shirts, socks even a plushie

"At least they were worth the money" I let out a sigh

I put the stuff back in the box and went back up the stairs and to my room to change and did my hair, I then put on some grey socks and walked back downstairs and back to the box that was sitting in my kitchen

I neatly fold the clothes and put it on the counter along with the plush dinosaur next to the clothes, I then looked around my office to see if there was a gift bag that I could use that I could bring, I don't want to bring a plain box to her house

After a bit of searching I found a black gift bag that has little star speckles on it, this'll do, I then walk back into the kitchen and carefully put the folded clothes in the bag along with the plushie on top of the clothes

I set it down near the door before going back up the stairs, grabbing my phone, wallet, and my old sweatshirt, it might be cold out, might as well take it

As I walk out of my room and down the stairs I texted my driver to get the car ready, I then put my phone in my pocket and walked over to the door, putting on my shoes, I then grab the bag and opened the door to see a man with the barrel for a gun pointing straight at me

In a split second I duck down just in time when he pulled the trigger, stumbling back from the backfire, I look over to see my pistol on the table next to the front door, I hid behind the wall and grab it, put the safety off, and peeked out the door to see him laying on the ground

I arched my eyebrow as I slowly gotten up from the floor and walked over to the unconscious man laying in my drive way, I point my pistol at him as I kicked his leg, nothing, I then crouched down and hit his arm, nothing

"Damn, he must be sleeping deep" I mumble to myself

I look up to see my car being pulled in the driveway, I put the safety back on and put it in the waistband of my pants near my back, my driver then jumped out of my car and ran over to me, he then also looked at the man that is unconscious in my driveway, I look up at him

"Do you know him?" I ask

He then shook his head as his eyes never went away to the man laying in front of us, I let out a sigh as I stood back up and dusted my pants off

"Call Drake and his team, make sure this man is tied up in the basement of the building and waiting for me when I come back"

"Of course ma'am" my driver said

He then scramble to call my friend as I walked back into my house and picked up the bag that was filled with Riley's presents, my sweatshirt, and my house keys that was next to my pistol, I then put on a black blazer to hide the gun that is attached to my back

I let out a sigh as I decided to bring my pistol with me, I just need to keep it away from her, I don't want her to think ill of me

Once I was ready, again, I walked back outside to see Drake in his team taking the unknown person being taken away in one of our black vans, I gave my stuff to my driver as Drake walked over to me with a concerned look on his face

"Hey you okay?" he asked

I nodded my head

"I am, just surprised someone would do that in broad daylight no less"

"And he was wearing our uniform" he said

I looked at him from the corner of my eye


"Yeah, but I don't recognize him so he might be someone that wasn't too high up on the food chain for us to recognize his name" Drake said with a sigh

"I see.." I say as I put my hands in my pockets as I lean agents my car

Both of us then sat there in silence for a moment as we thought about what we should do about this mystery man, I then gotten a notification from my phone, I took it out of my pocket and looked at the notification to see that it was a text message from Riley, I let out a smile as I turn my phone off and put it back in my pocket

"I will deal with him later" I say

"Why later?"

I looked at him

"Because I have something to do"

"Like what?" Drake asked

I let out a sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose

"I'm going to see Riley for the day"

I look up at him to see that he had a playful smirk on his face, I just rolled my eyes as I opened the door to my car, I stop right before I go in, I turn to my friend

"Make sure he's tied up in the basement in the building, I'll be there tomorrow to deal with him"

He then gave me a thumbs up with a wide smile on his face

"I got you! Just get yourself some booty!" he said playfully

My eye twitched with annoyance as I reach for my pistol, Drake then took a step back as he hold his hands up to me with a defensive stance, he then gave out a nervous chuckle as he slowly took a step back for a moment before high tailing it to the van to instruct his employees

I let out a sigh as I slide into my car as my driver closed the door for me and started the car up

"Riley's university"

"As you with ma'am" he said as he pulled out of the drive way and started to drive, I narrowed my eyes as i look out the window as I stretch and clench my fist, he made a grave mistake, and that got him a ticket to the afterlife

"He'll die, but it will be slow.." I say softly

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