Time for dress shopping

Start from the beginning

~Leah's POV~
We are walking through the shopping centre. We are all rather giddy due to the events of the day. We are all laughing and carrying on "do you smell gas?" "There is no smell of gas baby" "yous have to it's getting stronger" "baby there's no smell of gas." Chris stops walking "it's.. it's" "baby?" "It's get.. it's" "Chris what's going on? Baby talk to me." Chris' eyes roll up and her whole body goes stiff. Chris drops to the floor and her whole body is jerking "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Everyone turns around and comes running over to us. "Leah let me in" I move out the way "Emily I'm phoning my dad Amanda you phone an ambulance" "ok" Diane holds me and we both cry "please be ok baby" "she's tough Leah" "Emily my dad says get her on her side into the recovery position if possible and make sure her airways are clear. We need to keep a time on how long she fits for" "ok on it" "what's Chris' date of birth" "27/7/97" "ok the ambulance is on its way they are asking how long she has been fitting for?" "Just over 2 minutes" "and she's not epileptic?" "No" "tell them to stop asking so many fucking questions and just get here" "Leah they need to know this information." Freya is also at my side with Kat at Diane's side relaying information. The staff at the shopping centre have put a privacy curtain around us. The paramedics arrive "how long has she been like this?" "A little over 9 minutes now" "is she an epileptic?" "No" "and on any regular medication?" "Yes she takes antidepressants" "do you know the names of them?" "Cit.. cit something" "citalopram?" "Yes that's it and traz something" "trazodone?" "Yeah that" "ok get a cannula in we are going to do 10mg of midazolam" I have no idea what the hell is going on I just want this to stop I am praying and praying and praying. They give her some medicine who knows what it is but it is working the fitting is stopping. They put an oxygen mask on her then one goes and gets a stretcher "Leah you go with her we will follow in the car" "are you sure Diane?" "Yeah I'm her mother she would prefer to see you first" I give Diane a hug "she really loves you Diane never think anything less than that" "thank you Leah but please go be with my daughter."

I sit in the back of the ambulance holding Chris' hand "please be ok baby." We arrive at the hospital and Chris has had bloods taken and is now going for a head scan "anything been said Leah?" I turn and see mum, Diane and Kat stood there "no not yet, she has had bloods done and now gone for a head scan, she hasn't woke up yet but they said the medicine they gave her is an anaesthetic as well so she is going to be tired plus they said it will feel like running a marathon in 10 minutes. Where is everyone else?" "Emily took them to yours, Freya said she would sort Bella out for you" "ok." I'm sitting with my head in my hands when Chris is brought back, she is awake but groggy "what happened?" Kat takes Chris' hand "you had a seizure Chris" "oh well that's a new one" "you really need to stop scaring me baby your going to give me a heart attack" "sorry baby, mum?" "Yes sweetheart?" "I told you dress shopping was bad for my health" we all laugh "who knew you were being serious baby girl." 2 hours later a doctor comes into Chris' room but she is asleep so I wake her up "hi Christina I'm dr Shelley I'm one of the neurologists here" "hi" "have you ever had any seizures before?" "No" "any episodes of just staring into space not aware of anything going on around you?" "N.." "Yes" I look at Kat confused "when we were all around Diane's you spaced out for about 10 minutes just mumbling then twice and the school" "right ok they are absent or focal seizures, has anything unusual been going on any funny smells or some people call it an aura" "yeah actually I've been smelling gas but no one else has been smelling it, also my heads been going fuzzy" "ok so I looked at you EEG and you actually had a seizure in there so we were able to pin point exactly where they are coming from" "but I'm not epileptic though" "no your not you are having pseudo seizures " "what does that mean?" "Have you had any head injuries historic or recent?" "Just a few" "such as" "when I was at war I was hit in the head with a gun knocking me out, I've been hit with building debris and most recently hit by a car" "ok, so pseudo seizures are non epileptic seizures that can be caused by trauma, there is a part of your brain that has been injured and triggered your seizures, what were you doing today when the seizure started" "we had just finished dress shopping, mum is getting married" "so nothing stressful then" "who you kidding let's just say I'm skipping the accessories shopping I will just give Leah my credit card" "me why me?" "Well I'm not giving it to Emily" "ooooo my girlfriend who is rich is giving me her credit card what could possibly go wrong" "I will give Kat my credit card" "Oi" I gently hit Chris' arm "hey don't hit me I have a brain injury wait do I have a brain injury?" "You've had a brain injury which has caused lasting damage" "is it treatable?" "We can manage your seizures with medication" "when can I go home?" "I want to keep you in tonight for observations but tomorrow" "ok thank you." The doctor leaves "baby?" "Can I just have a minute by myself please?" "Of course" I give Chris a kiss and we step outside of the room non of us not knowing what to say "Diane you know we are going to have to watch her now" "I know Kat." I hear things hitting the floor and look into Chris's room she is flipping out so I run in as she is pulling the wires off her body "Chris no" I grab hold of her and just hold her as she cries. I climb on the bed with her and her body goes tight and she starts jerking "no no no not again" I run out of the room "I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE!" Me mum, Kat and Diane run into Chris' room. I'm stroking her hair "it's ok baby your ok" the nurses come running in placing and oxygen mask on. Doctor Shelley comes in "right so she has already had 10mg of midazolam on her first seizure if she is not out in 5 minutes give 5mg, do we know what triggered it?" "She got upset about what you told her" "ok, what I need yous to do is when she has a seizure I need yous to record what she was doing in the lead up to it" "we can do that." Just after 3 minutes Chris comes out of the seizure but then just sleeps for the rest of the time we are there.

We all go back to mine, the drive home was very quiet. When we get to mine Kieth and my dad is there Kat is silently crying so Freya gives her a hug, Diane in is Kieth's arms mum has dad that's when Emily comes over and holds me tight. "What happened then?" We explain everything "Bella cuddles" Bella runs over jumping in my arms and I just cuddle into her "Leah I think you need company tonight" "I don't want any thank you though Emily." After telling everyone I was fine for the millionth time Kat and Freya end up staying at least I know they won't pester me. We go up to bed where I try to sleep but can't so I just put the tv on.

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now