15~ Go by will

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Rudraksh's pov
A few days back i got to know from one of my men that meera is in problem because of some internal practical and they are not giving her another chance ...

I was hell angry on the officials when i got to know about this....

And when i checked the university it was a government university so i called my minister friend and asked him to tell the university to make the announcement of second chance to all....

The process took one hour and the second chance message was finally circulated....

Though i could do it myself without his help but still i wanted it to happen as quickly as possible because she was tensed for it....

On sunday.....

Finally it was the day i have been waiting for since long and i am happy is an understatement for my situation currently....

So i got up and got ready to meet her and went to her house at 9 only...

It was a good decision as i was welcomed by one of the best view of my life...

She was there in front of me .....rubbing her wet hairs with towel...water droplets falling down drop by drop.....it was like some movie scene in front of me.....

Everything around me went to the slow motion mode and the heartbeats of this love sicken heart could be heard from far away.....

She came near me and stood ...i couldn't help but just stare at her......

I was brought out of my thought with her mother's voice .....

And then we went to a small room it had a small sofa set a single bed and an almirah......

We sat on the sofa and talked to her family but i was not able to concentrate on anything but only think about her ....

I don't know how but the control she has over me is insane ........everytime i have even a small encounter with her i go crazy........my mind goes numb ......

I don't know how happy i would be when my queen would sit besides me and ......

And here comes my queen.....she looks breathtakingly gorgeous.......my goddess.......

She came and greeted my mother and then sat and as soon as she saw me her eyes went wide i could see that.......but quickly she went back to normal and my mother started asking her few things to make it look like a normal meeting.....

And soon we were granted privacy ....

And here we are sitting in front of each other

She looks lost doesn't she want to get married ......has anybody forced her to do this......

"What happened? You look lost......any problem?" I asked in my sweetest gentle voice..

"No nothing" she replied with a smile...

"Wanna ask something?" I asked
And she simply shook her head in no.....
"You?....do you have anything to ask?"she asked me in her honey sweet voice....

And in reply i looked at her in admiration .....

"No...i already know everything "

These words slipped out of my mouth

"I mean yours father and grandma told us that day"
I explained immediately covering up

She nodded in return

And then there was awkward silence ....

"Ummmm....you want to get married to me?.....i mean you are not forced into it....." i could not stop myself from asking this ......they can't force her in anycase.......

She will go by her will.....no one can make her do anything........

She looked at me and then shook her head in no....

After this small session we went back to that room and then other things were decided and the date of roka was finalised...

I looked at her and saw that she opened her mouth to say something but then didn't say it....

What does she want to say ...

I want to know.....who the hell on this earth dare to stop her from saying anything....

But i didn't said anything and then we left....

I was in the stairs when i heard her faded voice saying that she has exams the next week she can't have roka....

Oh so she want to change the date of roka for her exams .....

I went home and asked my secretary to know where are the exams going to be held and the date on which the exam is ....

He got all the information and on the day of exam i went to her examination center to pick her up.....

I met her and behaved like we met coincidentally and now here we are in my car sitting since last two hours we hardly had any conversation during the ride...

We are now stuck in the jam and for the first time in my life i am loving this jam and i want it to continue forever.....

I looked at her and she is thinking something not saying anything...

So finally to start the conversation i asked her

"When is your next exam?"...

Yeah! I don't know this because despite of having the date sheet with me i dont know which subjects she has so i am not sure of the dates....

"Day after tomorrow "

Oh god that's why she was saying no to roka for tomorrow but we didn't get any message from her family regarding change of date of roka...

"Tomorrow we have roka how will you prepare for exam then?" I asked ...

"It's okay i will manage" she said and i looked at her ...

She was looking out of the window with expressionless face.....

And i didn't questioned her further....

This is not going right when she asked them to delay the roka then why didn't they do that ......

They should have informed me about this......

I feel that there is something with her and her family ....

She is a cool girl as she looks like but when i use to talk to her casually...

Since the day i have started talking to her about this marriage thing she seems unhappy....

Is she not happy?

Doesn't she want to get married?

I looked at her for a few more minutes amd then took a deep breathe...

It's okay .....it's just a matter of few more months and then she will be mine and everything will be done according to her not only in her life but also in mine....

Soon the road was free and i drove to her home and then dropped her ....

"Bye" she said while getting off the car ...

"Bye" i replied with a big grin on my face....

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