9~ Marriage Proposal

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Today while coming back from interview i met rudraksh ....

We had some chit chats ....

But i tell you this was the first and last time i talked to him...

You know why?..
See there are many reasons...
1. I thought he is of my age but he is elder to me....and a boy....and a stranger afteralll.....so he can harm me as taught by my parents...

2. He is going to be my boss very soon as he said he is in senior management there...

3. He is rich....how i know?? Well, his car screaming that.....he had mercedez...i didn't noticed it when i sat in the car but when i was getting off i noticed it ......
You might wonder what is the problem if he is rich...

Look ..... i don't believe in rich people ....they can never respect the middle class people....they always feel that they are superior to us....so i never even talk to people who are rich even if upper middle class let alone being friends with them....

So final decision is i removed him from my insta...i mean i didn't blocked him but just removed him from my followers list and also unfollowed him....no more connection with him.....

Yeah!! enough of rudraksh's talk now there is some tension coming up ....i soon have my practicals and then i have my finals starting in next 15 days ...just today the date sheet got released

and about today's interview

i told you na!

I never fail in interview...*hairflip* .....

i got a mail from the company asking me the dates to join from

they said they have a policy under which they let the employee join on the basis of mutual understanding with the company.....

Sigh in relief

i will join after my semester exams...

Now everything seems sorted....

did i hurt him .......

i think so.......see.....the thing is ......ummmmm........

i think i am overthinking......

this is the problem with me i can't ignore anyone suddenly......

.i can't say no to anyone.......

take a deep breathe meera we will see if he will send request again.........

though i am sure he will not.....cause why will he?.........i am nothing to him....it was just a casual meeting and about his flirt that he did on insta was something he might have been doing with every girl.......

1 month later.......

My exams are over and they went well .....

Though i was stressed as hell but ahh! Finally they are over and i can breathe easily.....

"Meera" my grandma called me...

"Yes dadiii" i went to her room and more like singed dadiii...

She smiled looking at me and said .....amrit is coming home today.......

"Amritt???" I asked trying to remember him....

"Arey.....jaipal dadaji's grandson" she said....

"Oh yeah! I remember ...he got placed in delhi last year ...right?"....

"Yes....he wants to meet us....and he said that he has some marriage proposal for you also"...she informed to which my eyes went wide....

"No dadi....ask him not to give any marriage proposal for me...he himself is so young.to give such suggestions......and afterall i am studying right now....i just joined a job..and...""

Before i could finish my father who was till now watching us silently said ..."stop blabbering....just let him tell us about it....and you mad girl just don't you dare to interrupt in between when he would be telling...we are just listening to him ....we are not marrying you off ..."

I didn't said anything in return and just went back to my room.....i will not get married to anyone at any cost .......and that's final.....they can't force me....

So it's okay....i will not even listen to him....they are interested they can....but i will not....

I got ready to leave for my office which i joined just three days back....

Everything is good there....people are really nice to me....

I am learning the work that i have to do....1 month will be training and then the job will start....but i am already loving the work.....

I quickly went out to grab the bus....

Dadi's pov

"Come amrit come have a seat"
I said politely while patting his shoulder lovingly....

My husband also blessed him ....

And then we had some chit chats with him about the health of his grandparents and his patents ....

Then i asked him about his job.....to which he said that he is working in the company named...starline worlds.....and he is also earning a handsome salary.....i was impressed with him.....

He is soo young and placed at such a good job....

And i am sure that whatever the suggestion he will give for my granddaughter will be good.....but still we will enquire personally everything about the boy before wedding afterall my daughter is my precious gem....she is the one i love the most in all my grandchilds....

Why not? Afterall the care and love that she shows towards me is worth praising.....she never fails to take good care of the people around....

Though she speaks a lot and even quite straightforward at a times but she has a heart of gold.....she can't see anybody suffering...

But i dont know why but there is something between her and her parents...they often seems to be upset with her...

"Dadi ...i told you about the marriage proposal on the phone" i came out of my thoughts when amrit said this...

"Oh yeah! I was about to ask you ....tell me more about the boy....show me the picture first if you have "

I aksed ..

"Oh yeah ...i have a photo on my phone ...wait let me show you..."

He said and showed me a picture on his phone....impressive the boy is handsome....

"Hmmmm....looks are fine ....what about the job ....and where does he live?.."
I inquired...

"He is my senior in the company and stays in this colony only in other block"

"Our colony?" I asked a little surprised because i know almost all the people in our colony who belong to our caste but i dont remember if i have seen this boy...

"Yes, he shifted here just a year back.....he is a really great boy.... perfect for meera.....he is soft spoken....and have a small family.....just he and his mother......he has a father and grandparents also....but they do not stay here with him......as his father remarried so they stay away from him...." he told us everything about him.....

And to be honest i think this is the best proposal for her....everything seems fine ...his earning is good....looks are great....has a small family......and is good in nature as he told us....

I will talk to meera once she is back from the office.....

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