The dish is complete

Start from the beginning

Shino: hmm not bad brat you've really improved I can't wait till you challenge me again

Later the day of the W,G,O

Shino: As you all know tonight is a very big deal becuase tonight we'll be judged by the W,G,O, so if I call your name please step forward

He first calls two chefs and then Ren

Shino: alright chefs I'll be trust you for the three dishes, Now you know what to do!

All: Yes chef!

Shino: Good! Now I'll be working in the main course and Ren we'll be working on the desert the rest of you can focus on the starters,  mow let's all get to work!

Ren ties his hair up: let's do this!

Later for the judging

The first two chefs present their dishes both of them haven't cussed much of a reaction from the judges

Then it's shino's turn 

Judge: your name is Kojiro shinomiya correct

Shino: yes sir

Judge: good now please present your dish

He does so and the Judge has a foodgasm "and yes I'll be calling them that from now on"

Judge: This was incredible I can now see why you are known as the Légumes magician

Shino: thank you very much sir

Judge 2: now let's move onto the dessert then

Ren walks forward

Judge3: my for someone so young are you sure you should be here

Shino: forgive me but I have faith in his abilities now show them what you can do brat

Ren: Right!

Ren the serves up three ordinary looking bread buns

They look at them unsure but since it's their job they take a bite and foodgasms ensue

Judge: This flavour its almost like curry

Ren: You're right it is

Judge2: tell me young man what is your name

Ren: my name is Ren Dojima

Judge3: well we'll make sure too remember it because I assume we'll be hearing it in the future

Ren: oh you can count on it you'll when you are judging my restaurant

Judge: Ahh so a future restaurant owner very nice, we'll take our leave now you will receive the results in the morning

When they leave Ren and Shino breath out

Ren: that was stressful

Shino: yeah no kidding

They talk about the future results for a while before they all find the nearest bed and falls asleep

The next day they are all standing in front of a big tarp and they are all waiting too see the results form the W,G,O

Ren: moment of truth

Shino: yeah

Ren: damn I haven't been this stressed in a long time

Shino: Not surprised well now everyone it's time, grab it and




They all pull the tarp off and

They now have two stars

Cheers ring out through the restaurant

Shino: Heh finally! One step closer

Ren: Look they highly recommend our dishes and mine is there as well

Shino: well of course they did it's only natural now time too get back to work everyone Ren! You are here for one more week Niw it's time for you too push yourself even further you hear me!

Ren: Yes chef!

Over the entire week

Ren works himself again until he drops and then over and over again he feels himself getting stronger and faster

And ren is having a blast!

Then the last week is over

Shino: so you are heading back to Japan then huh

Ren: yeah the fall selection is in a few days gotta get home

Shino nods: Well then brat you better do a good job otherwise I'll kill you for wasting my time

Ren: oh I'm well aware and I expect you too have three stars by the time I get back here

Shino: Alright brat you're on!

They do a rough handshake and lighting flies between them

And Ren walks away throwing his bag over his back

And that's a wrap

Damn these where a couple of fun chapters

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