Chapter 51

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Toby's POV

I had gone to see Ethan everyday since the plane crash. I had gotten my dress on Saturday and it was now Wednesday; I had two more days before I could wear it. I couldn't wait to wear it. Is was such a beautiful dress;  it made me feel really pretty. I was also excited for Friday because I hoped that Ethan would wake up then. I know it's a cliche thing to hope for; the boyfriend wakes up on prom night to see his gorgeous girl in a dress  standing there like an angel. And even though I know he most likely won't wake up I was still planning on it like an idiot. 

"Miss Jasper, will you be so kind enough as to join the class and explain the  Whiskey Rebellion?" Ms.Staffer said coldly, snapping me back to reality.  I sat up and shuffled through my binder. I heard snickers behind me and I felt like crying. I've been like that lately. Crying over little things. I think it's the stress of Ethan. 

"Uh," I said as I turned to look at the wrinkly old bat. "Um. The Whiskey Rebellion was a rebellion that was because of, um. Farmers who converted corn into whiskey were told they had to pay a tax." I said a little too excited. "This rebellion showed the strengths of the new government unlike the Shay rebellion that showed the weakness of the old one. " I added. She nodded her head and went one with the presentation. 

I sighed in relief when the bell rang soon after. I grabbed my books and went into the hallway. I was content with walking when someone grabbed my arm. I looked at the face and almost threw up.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I heard Ethan is in a coma." Nick Harper said pushing me out of the other kids.

"Yeah. So?"

"Do you have a prom date?" 

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked disgusted. 

"Nope. She broke up with me." 

"Good." I smirked.

"Good for you?" he raised an eyebrow and winked.

"No." I retorted. 

"So you have a prom date?"

"Ethan is still my boyfriend." 

"And is he going to take you while in a coma?" he asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I will not go to prom with you, Nick."


"Yes really." 

"How much really?" Nick pressed.

"Over Ethan's dead body." I said leaning into his face a little. 

"Strong words." he said with a gleam in his eyes. He puckered his lips and I pushed my self against the wall. He followed me and I slapped him. He stood back, appalled. And I took that opportunity to run to my next class. I meant what I said about Ethan. I was still his and I wouldn't go out with Nick unless it was over Ethan's dead body. Ethan just better not die.


So this is just something little for you guys. I will have the next chapter up soon. Don't miss it! 
*Hint* its the prom scene. Hope you liked. Check out my other books! ILYSM! 

-JMAC xoxo  

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