Chapter 15

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Toby's POV

I woke up to a text on my phone. I thought it was Ethan asking if I got home safe, but it was from a blocked number.

"u have been warned." was all it said. I didn't even have to ask who is was; I already knew. I rolled back over and pulled the pillow back over my head.

Ethan's POV

"Bye, Sophie!" I called into the house as I walked down the sidewalk to my car. I had wanted to text Toby last night, but Kate yelled at me that it was "lights out" even though it was only 7 pm. She's such a bitch. I drove down my street and saw Ashley at the light. She was screeching in her car, I guess "singing". When she saw me staring she fluffed out her hair and smiled at me. I had to hold down a gag. As soon as the light changed I sped down the rode.


I sped up to school and parked next to Toby. She wasn't in her car so I assumed she was already in homeroom. I went to my locker which was on the other side of school and opened it to find a note. I laughed to myself as I picked it up.

"Meet me in the glass hallway before lunch. See you soon, babe. Mwah, xoxo."

Is all it read. Toby must be in a good mood today. I stuffed it into my pocket and headed in homeroom.


Toby's POV

I headed to lunch and sat in my usual spot. I had actually anticipated Ethan's appearance today. I had so much fun yesterday. I think I was doing the exact thing I promised I wouldn't do, but Ethan just had this "thing" about him, maybe it's the charm he gloats about. Like how the sun pulls the earth to it no matter how much the earth wants to fly out into space. Ethan had this pull to him that no matter how much I tried to run out, he pulled me back.

Ethan's POV

I walked out of class and into the glass hallway. I didn't see anyone there so I was about to just go to lunch when I heard someone calling my name. It didn't sound like Toby's familiar voice, however. I spun around and saw Ashley coming towards me. She was also with Parker. I knew this wasn't going to be good.

"What?" I asked shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Nothing," Parker said as Ashley elbowed him in the ribs.

"We thought you would like to know who the real Toby is." She said pulling out some pictures. She handed them to me. I looked down at them and I couldn't see anyone in them that I knew. There was a girl with blonde hair in the background and an older woman. I saw a girl who was chubby and had brown hair matted to her face that was red and splotchy. She had on a tight t-shirt that had a horse on it and a pair of pink sweatpants. She was smiling while holding a dog. I laughed to myself before I realized that girl was Toby. She had the same green eyes.

"That is what she really looks like." Ashley piped up as I flipped to the next picture. There she was, the same girl but in a different place. Now she was wearing a blue one piece bathing suit while a skinny blonde stood next to her in a bikini.

"Isn't she ugly?" Ashley asked pointing at the picture. I looked at her.

"No. The only one that is ugly here is you. Toby might not have been the prettiest when she was younger, but at least she has a good heart. You may have a pretty face, but an ugly soul. And I would never want you when I can have Toby's beautiful face and heart of gold." I said as I threw the pictures down and walked off.

"Toby is a slut!" Parker shouted after me. "She will do anything for a couple of bucks."

"More fun for me!" I said as I threw up my hands and walked down the hallway to lunch. I laid down on the grass and stared up at the sun.

"Where have you've been?" Toby asked me.

"Ashley Moore." I said as I propped myself up on one elbow.

"Ah." She said as she popped a raspberry into her mouth.

"Toss me one." I asked with my mouth open. She threw one and it landed in my mouth. I laughed as I broke the thin flesh of the raspberry and tasted the sweet juice. "She showed me some pictures" I said not thinking. Toby looked at me with a serious face.

"She what?" She asked meekly. I notice her pick off her nail polish.

"Showed me pictures of you from years ago." I said figuring there was no way I could take back what I had started. Toby got up and ran back into the school. She always ran away from me. I didn't go after her; she would only yell and tell me to go away. I would explain to her later what happened, but right now I had to get to class before Mrs.Staffer yelled at me. Stupid old lady hates everything.

===================================================================Nothing special, but I wanted to get this one out. This is finally the point in the story where things are going to start rolling and things are going to go fast. Sorry if the switching of the POVs was hard to follow. I forgot to mention that Eli Sanders is one of the main characters in @11tay99 story "Anxiety Attacks". Eli isn't in this story, but he is just mentioned as Toby's first kiss. I highly suggest you read 11tay99's story. It is the reason I even put this story up here. Thanks 11tay99 for letting me use Eli, btw. Are you guys interested in reading a story about a girl who is growing up with gay parents? I am thinking about writing a story like that so let me know. Hope you enjoyed! ILYSM.

-JMAC xoxo

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