Chapter 35

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Ethan's POV

I was running late for school. I was so tired from the wedding last night. I ran around the corner, right into Mr.Grey. A manila folder fell out of his hands and onto the floor. Papers flew wildly around the hallway. I ran around trying to catch them for him.

"Thank you." he said as I handed him the papers. He dropped one as I handed it to him and so I knelt down to pick it up. I noticed the one had Toby's name on it, but he quickly took it from my grasp. That part intrigued me even more and now I had to find out what was on that paper. Then the song went off for first period. I looked at him one last time and then headed off to class.

"Hey." Toby said as she kissed me cheek and walked with me to my class.

"Hi." I said absentmindedly. She looked at me before walking into her class.


I ran to Mr.Grey's room after 4th period. I knew he wouldn't be in there since he had lunch duty. I went over to his desk and looked everywhere for the fold, but I couldn't find it. Then I saw his bag over in the corner and looked through it. There placed neatly in between other folders was the manila folder. I pulled it out and took it to the library. I sat down and opened it. I spread out all of the papers. They were all records. They had Toby's name and her mother Abigail's name on them. His name was listed as well. None of it made any sense until I saw a birth certificate. I picked it up and read furiously. I couldn't believe it! I put all of the papers back into the folder and went to lunch. Toby was sitting in the corner table with her earbuds in.

"Toby." I said as I took one out. She looked at me with a confused stare. I handed her the folder and she took out the other earbud and laid it on the table.

"What is this?" she asked sitting up.

"Read." I said as I looked around for Mr.Grey. She began pulling through the papers. She came across the birth certificate and screamed.

"What the actual fuck?!" She looked for Mr.Grey. He saw us and ran off to his room. We jumped up and followed him. He was just shutting the door when we came down the hall. I ran and grabbed the door. I was stronger than him and the door flew open with my pull.

"Toby, just listen." He said as he sat down in his desk.

"No, you listen!" She yelled with power that surprised the both of us. "What are you some kind of creep? Stalking me? Getting a job here so you could see me?!"

"No. Not at all." He said with his eyes darting back and forth between us. "It was a total accident."

"Oh so my father just so happens to be my teacher?!" She threw the papers on his desk. On the birth certificate it had Sean Grey listed as her father.

"Toby, I'm really sorry." he pleaded.

"Sorry? That you ran out on my mom who was 17 and pregnant with YOUR child?!" she laughed.

"It wasn't like that."

"Really, than what was it?"

"I was 16. I wasn't ready. It was a-" he thought on what he was going to say. "A bad choice for the moment."

"Because of you I lost her! Taken from her! Ripped right from her arms." Toby began to cry. I went over to her to make sure she was ok. I glared at him. "If- If you had been there-" Toby said through tears. "If you were there to take care of me as well, I would have a happy life with a mommy and a daddy! Not a fucking Donna and Michael that-" she broke down.

"Toby, I'm really sorry." He said sincerely. "I would really love it if you would join the family, my, your family." Toby turned around, possessed by the devil.

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