Chapter 2

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Toby's POV

I walked down our stone steps. I almost slipped from the mist that was coming down. I pulled out my phone and ear buds to play the Vice and Virtues album that I was currently loving. As soon as I got to the bus stop, the bus pulled up. I let all of the Freshman on first as I climbed on. I sat in the middle of the bus. Not to far up where all of the Freshman sat and not to far back where all of the Seniors sat. I sat alone most of the time, not wanting to talk to anyone, but sometimes a kid would sit next to me. Today no one sat with me which I was grateful for. The bus pulled up to Clear Water High School. We all climbed off and headed our own ways. As I walked through the hallways, there were murmurs from everyone.

"Oh my God, look at the new guy."

"Wonder where he came from."

"Apparently he has an accent."

"Just look at him." Ashley Moore cooed. I rolled my eyes. "What's the matter, Toby? Worried he won't notice you?"

"Please, you know I could bang him any day I wanted to." I said as I whipped my hair off my shoulder.

"Yeah, apparently you bang every guy!" Ashley shouted after me, but I walked on. I had no idea who they were talking about, but I loved to mess with Ashley, who was the exact replica of my sister. I made my way down the hallway and then turned to walk down the glass hallway. I loved the glass hallway, maybe my favorite part of the school. It was a hallway that had windows all the way down. I could look out the windows and see all the way to the Clear Water Lake or turn and look at the other window and see the sports fields. My locker was near the pool, which was my least favorite part of the school. I hated the smell of chlorine. Don't get my wrong, I love to swim, but the smell is awful. 

"Toby!" I heard someone call my name. I turned searching for the owner of the voice. "Are you staying to help the choir today?" My music teacher Mr. Grey asked as he came over to my locker. 

"Uh, I don't know yet. It depends on my schedule." I told him as I shoved my math binder into my bag.

"Ok, let me know by the end of today. The choir will gladly appreciate you joining us." He said as he smiled and walked over to another group of kids. Jeez, you sing one time with the choir and your expected to come back every meeting. I like to sing, but not with an audience. 

"It's been a long day without you my friend-" My school decided that bells were to boring for school so they replaced them with songs. So Wiz Khalifa's "When I See You Again" began to play on the speakers. I walked to my homeroom that happened to be with Mr.Grey. I walked into my class and sat down in my seat. I looked out the window while I waited for another song to go off. I pulled out my phone and began to scroll through Instagram. I love painfully.drowning's page. I liked at least three of her photos before "Shake it Off" rang through the school. 



So, I am bad at making up names for characters so if you guys could comment some, that would be wonderful. Also, I can get at least 2 updates to you guys every weekend. I am writing a lot of chapters for you guys to get it started, so enjoy the rapid updates. :) 

-JMAC xoxo

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