Chapter 47

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Toby's POV

I got into school, tired and cranky. I really didn't want to be here, but that isn't unusual. I woke up late because I forgot to set my alarm and Donna didn't come wake me. She was still being a bitch from the whole secret keeping stuff, but I was 10! I did what I was told. I still went to see Mike and Sylvia on a normal basis now.

It had also been a week since Ethan and I, you know, did "it". We didn't really talk about it much, which I was thankful for since it was an awkward subject to bring up. And at least I knew for sure that Ethan wasn't like Parker who would run off after he got what he wanted.

However, I was still walking into school like a zombie. I went into my first period class which seemed to drag on forever. Mr.Raferty would not stop talking about stupid Pythagorean therom. He kept calling it "Pythag" as if that made it cool. When the song finally played that I could go to lunch I thanked God.

I walked into lunch rubbing my sleep deprived eyes and trudging to my table. Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm and I jumped.

"God damn it, Jason!" I yelled as I clutched my chest.

"Sorry, but come with me to the willow tree." He said letting go of my arm.

"What? No." I said as I put my bag on the table.

"Please? It's important." he begged.

"Jason, I have allergies. The pollen will make me sneeze non-stop." I said as I raked a hand threw my hair.

"So? I can guarantee that you will love it." he said still pressing the subject.

"If I do can I have a dollar for coffee?" I asked putting a hand on my hip. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, just please come on." He said and I followed him to the open court yard. I hadn't realized that no one was in the lunch room, but instead all of them were outside. They all looked at me with excited smiles.

"What is going on?" I asked Jason. Just as I said that Ethan appeared on a tree branch.

"Hey, where's the drums?" he asked into a microphone and just like that the school's band came out and began playing a song. I looked at Jason who just threw his hands up and played a fool.

"Woo girl, you're shining like a 5th Avenue diamond. And they don't make you like they used to, you're never going out of style." Ethan began to sing "Classic" by MKTO. I couldn't hide my giggles. He smiled right at me as he sang the next line. " Woo pretty baby, this world might have gone crazy, the way you saved me, who could blame me when I just wanna make you smile? " I began to smile uncontrollably and bent over laughing. The crowd of people clapped their hands to the music as I looked back at Ethan standing in a freaking tree!

" You're over my head, I'm out of my mind, thinking I was born in the wrong time. One of a kind, living in a world gone plastic, baby, you're so classic." He blew me a kiss. "Four dozen roses," Just as he said that, four people came out, holding a dozen roses each. Ethan winked at me. "Anything for you to noticel. All the way to serenade you, doing it Sinatra style." Ethan jumped out of the tree, half scaring me to death, and walked over to me. He took my hand and said into the mic. "Toby, will you be my date to the prom?" I was stunned to say the least.

"Of course!" I said as I threw my arms around his neck and he swung me around. He gave me a kiss and I blushed at the realization that the entire Sophomore class was looking at us.

"Great. Meet me out here after school. Love you, babe." he said as he went to gather the band.


I walked out to the court yard again after putting the 48 roses into my car. I followed the trail of candles to the lake. There Ethan was sitting on the grass with a picnic laid out.

"Aw, you didn't have to do all this." I said as I sat next to him.

"Of course I did. I'm taking you to prom." he smiled as he poured me a glass of sparkling cider.

"That was really amazing, too." I added as I took a sip of the sweet liquid.

"Well, duh. It was supposed to be." Ethan said as he handed me a little bowl of raspberries, which he knew were my favorite of all berries.

"No need to be mean." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Wasn't mean, just sarcastic." he laughed.

"I can still say no." I retorted.

"Really?" He asked doubtfully. "And who would you go with?"

"Parker." I daringly said. "Or maybe even Nick!" I said obliviously asking to be killed mercilessly.

"You wouldn't."

"Who says?" I asked narrowing my eyes. With that Ethan was straddled on me tickling my sides.

"Take it back!" He shouted as I wiggled beneath him.

"Ethan," I said as I gasped for air.

"Take it back and I'll stop!" he said moving faster on my sided.

"I can't," I said as I swatted his hands. "t-take it b-back if I-I can't b-breathe." I got out.

"Fine." Ethan stopped. "Take it back."

"I will go to the prom with you and I take back my joke." I said.

"And say that I'm the best boyfriend in the whole world." He said crossing his arms.

"You are the best boyfriend in the whole world." I repeated.

"And that I'm so hot you can't keep yourself from me." he said with glowing eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"You are ridiculous."

"I will tickle you again." He said putting his hands on my sides. My eyes widened and I pouted.

"You are so hot I can't keep myself from you." I said reluctantly. Of course I would have to keep myself from him when he went to England on Saturday.


It was Saturday morning. I was waiting with Ethan in the busy airport.

"Remember I am still you're boyfriend and I will be back before you know it." Ethan said as he held me against him.

"I know." I said as I put my hands on his chest. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I will be back, don't you worry." he said reassuring me. "And then we will have prom together and all summer." he said as he gave me a kiss.

"All boarders to England terminal, please go to gate 13." airport lady screeched into the speakers. I sighed as Ethan had to go. He gave me a tight hug and grabbed his luggage.

"I love you!" I said after him.

"I love you more!" He laughed as he hurried to the gate.

"Call me when you land!"

"Yes, my love!" was the last thing he said before boarding the plane.

He never called.


===================================================================Evil aren't I? But you can't kill me because then you would never know what happens to Ethan or Toby. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been so busy. But at least summer is coming so I can post more often. Check out my new books! I hope you liked this chapter. Bye! ILYSM!

-JMAC xoxo

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