Chapter 5

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Toby's POV

Gym was finally over and I headed to my locker. Ethan didn't follow me and I was glad for that. I didn't know what to say to him after what happened in the locker room. I walked into Mr.Grey's room while other choir kids followed in.

"Ok, can anyone give us a song to start off with?" He said as he clapped his hands together. My hand shot up.

"Young blood by Bea Miller?!" I said not waiting for him to call on me.

"Sure, that's something new." He walked over to the computer and searched the song. I heard the familiar whistling in the beginning of the song. When Bea's voice came through, I knew it was time to start. I don't remember anyone else singing, only my voice filling the room. When the 3 minute song was done, everyone was staring at me.

"Sorry." I said with my head down. I didn't sing for the rest of choir. This is why I don't go to begin with, I get too carried away. 


When choir was finally over I headed to the after school bus when I heard someone running behind me. I turned around almost getting knocked down by Ethan.

"Whoa, sorry." He said as he steadied himself.

"You just don't wanna want to leave me alone, do you?" I said as I brushed myself off.

"I said sorry." Ethan said as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. I left him standing there and walked off to get on the bus. "Hey, wait up!" He called after me. I spun around, the wind blowing my hair into my face.


"I heard you are going to a job interview, maybe I could give you a ride ."

"So you eavesdrop on my conversations now?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Maybe a little. But do you need a ride?" He asked sincerely.

"Sure, why not get in the car with a total stranger." I said throwing up my hands.

"Cool," He said as he hurried off to his car.

"Wait, that doesn't mean, uh, alright!" I called after him as I followed him to a gray sedan.

"It's pretty old, but still runs." He said as he started the car.

"Do you even know where Little Treasure is?" I said as I got in.

"Not a clue." He said as he laughed.

"Ok, well, just make a left out the school and follow it all the way down until you get to the light and take a right. It will be right there." I said pushing a purple lock of hair behind my ear.

"Oh and about the whole 'getting in the car with a stranger' thing, I'm British so I won't hurt you." He pulling out of his parking spot.

"That only works if your Canadian." I said laughing.

"Hey, I got you to laugh!" Ethan said as he turned onto Sutton Ave. "I love your laugh." I tried not to smile, but it just didn't work. "Oh, and you have dimples."

"You just love to point things out."

"Sure do, especially new things."

"This whole country is new to you," I said throwing my hands up.

"Which makes for a whole lot of pointing out." Ethan said as he looked at me.

"Keep your eyes on the rode!" I said as we almost collided with another car. Ethan jerked the wheel and straightened out on our side of the rode. I saw the other car flip us off.

"Fuck you, too!" Ethan called out his window.

"You're awful." I said shaking my head.

"Oh, like you aren't. I heard what you said to Ashley this morning and to Parker."

"Yeah, I don't get along with my school. And what is the deal with you and Ashley?" I said turning my body to face him.

"It's my first day, there isn't anything with me and Ashley." He said with an eyebrow cocked.

"To her there is something. She won't stop talking about you."

"Yeah? Well, we have names for girls like her in England."

"Like what?" I said curious.

"Twats." Ethan said in a serious tone. I stared at him. "What?"

"'Just admiring from a far'." I said mocking his tone. I rolled my eyes as I did so. "Oh, here!" I said as he passed Little Treasure.

"Admiring from a close." He mocked back as I got out of the car.  "Do you need a ride home?"

"No, Michael is going to pick me up." I said shutting the door and wondering why this boy was so curious over me.

"You have a boyfriend?" Ethan asked through the window.

"Oh God no, Michael is my dad. Well, I'm his adopted daughter, that's why I call him Michael and not dad."

"Oh." I left Ethan to himself and walked up to the little coffee shop.



Couldn't resist, so I wrote chapter 5. I don't have a computer at my mother's so I just stayed at school to type this. I think I will post chapter 6 now, too. And for all the fans of Anxiety Attacks by 11tay99, I have a little gift to you, but that will be in a few chapters away. I asked 11tay99 first so don't go crazy. I am going to start chapter 6 next, bye!

-JMAC xoxo

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