Chapter 14: Mystery of the Batwoman (Arc 5)

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The time has finally come. We see Black Mask standing on top of the roof of a building and looking down to see the riches and most powerful people of Gotham are invited for a fancy dinner as Black Mask watches this with please. Then Bane approaches him from behind as he walks up next to Black Mask and tells him.

Bane: Your plan is going well Black Mask.

Black Mask: Indeed. Once all of the most riches and most powerful people of Gotham is under my control...I will be the most powerful crime lord that has ever lived.

Bane: Remember our deal.

Black Mask: Of course I remember our deal. You all will be given anything you wish once I have power.

Bane: Still what if Batman will stop us?

Black Mask: He will not stop us. Once this city is ours....Batman will not stop us and he will fall.

Bane: I cannot wait to break that spirit once we succeed.

Black Mask: Indeed.

The two of them laugh all awhile we see Matches Matlone aka Bruce Wayne aka Batman hiding within the darkness and over hearing their conversation. Seeing this he let's Nightwing and the others knows his location.



At the Batcave we see Alfred treating Rocky's wounds as Rocky is awake and sat's up on a table while Alfred is treating her wounds. Y/n approaches the two and ask Alfred.

Y/n: How is she?

Alfred: Shell be fine. Luckily the explosion didn't scare her.

Rocky: That's good to hear. Still I guess now you know.

Y/n: Yeah and we might ask some questions. For one who are the other two Batwomen and what is the thing with Black Mask?

Rocky: Well it's kinda.....Well you see Black Mask ruined each of our lives. He destroyed our homes, families and so much. We wanted to bring justice so we decided to work together to take him down.

Kivat: (lands on Y/n's shoulder) And you three dressing up as Batwomen is because?

Rocky: (shrugged) We just thought the same idea. Point being we work together to find any leads of Black Mask and once we find him, we take him down for good.

Y/n: And by that you mean killing him?

Rocky: It's the only way. He's evil and he has killed a lot of innocent lives.

Y/n: That maybe true but do you think killing him is a good idea? Killing him won't bring everyone and everything you lost back.

Alfred: I understand the lost and your not the only one. Sometimes we must spare our enemies rather then killing them.

Rocky falls silent and then Dick calls Barbara and Y/n over and the two came over to the Bat computer and sees Batman's singal is up.

Dick: Looks like Batman is still out there.

Barbara: Where is he at?

Dick: That's the riches area within Gotham. You think that's where Black Mask is taking the riches people of Gotham in?

Y/n: Must be. Riddler did say he's going to use Mad Hatters mind control chips to control them and transferred all of their money to Black Mask.

Dick: Then it looks like we're going to crash his party.

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