Chapter 8: Kiva in the justice league?!

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We see Kiva battling a three Fangires at the subway underneath Gotham City as we see Kiva being tossed across and slammed into the wall and land on the floor. He look up, facing against three Fangires as they launch towards him but he move out of the way, kick one Fangire away while catching the Fangires arms, headbutted him and punch him in the face.

He then rolled beneath the Fangires arms and turn to face the trio of Fangires as they turn to him while a subway train goes by them as Kiva ready himself.

Kiva: 3 against 1 isn't much a far fight.

Kivat: That's probably what happens when your gonna fight three fangires in a subway.

Kiva: Not like I'm complaining about it.

The trio of Fangires charge towards him and he charges towards them and starts beaten them up. A while later they were beaten as they rolled away from Kiva as they get up while they glare at Kiva before retreating to the shadows.

Kiva: Oh no you-

Suddenly a flash went pass him and seconds later a trio of Fangires were throne in front of Kiva with metal bars strapped around them.

Kiva: Don't? What the hell?

???: Man the more enemies you fight bats, the more they will look like monsters.

Then the Flash came out of the shadows with a smirk on his face while Kiva ask.

Kiva: Your the Flash right?

Flash: (smirk) Of course I am Bats! It's not like I'm Reverse Flash or anything. But now you mention it I can't say I blame you.

Kiva: Well thanks for the help I guess. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna-

Flash: I know your a bit busy but we have a meeting and it's a good thing I found you.

Kiva: Wait what? What do you mean by- Wait, what do you mean by Bats?

Flash: (smirk) Batman of course. Now just let me set the coordinates to Cyborg and done!

Kiva: Wait I'm not-

Suddenly a beam shot down and the two were teleported while the trio Fangires sat there confused as one ask.

Fangire 1: What just happened?



Kiva and Flash was teleported into a high tech room with a portal below them as they step out as Kiva look around in a amazement. He then noticed the window and finds out that they were out of space.

Kiva: (surprised) Wow! Where the hell are we?

Flash: The Watchtower of course. This is where we watch over earth from threats within or outside of our planet. Man, spending time alone may make you forget.

Kiva: That's because I am not Bat-

???: Glad you two are here, the meeting is about to start.

Then a Cyborg human approaches them as Flash high Fives him.

Flash: (smirk) Sup Cyborg. Got any calls from Sups?

Cyborg: Nothing yet. Must be busy. (Noticed Kiva) At least your here Batman.

Kiva: (thought) I swear this is gonna piss me off.

Cyborg: Wonder Woman is waiting for us at the meeting room. Don't want to make her upset.

Kamen rider Kiva x Dc: Break the chains of justice Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat