Chapter 17: The meet up

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It was a nice day at Gotham and we see Y/n and Tim in a cafe having some breakfast and just enjoying their company as the two sat down and eat while they talk.

Y/n: So how are the super hero business doing?

Tim: (smile) Pretty good. I've created a lot of new gadgets for Batman or any one of us to use and made some upgrades. The patrols were something to deal with but besides that things are good.

Kivat: (lands on the table) Well it's good to have you on board.

Tim: (smile) Yeah. Say can I ask you something?

Y/n: Yeah?

Tim: Are you the only rider or is there more than one?

Y/n: No there is this other rider. I believe his name

Kivat: IXA?

Y/n: Yeah that's him! He's pretty cool.

Tim: Oh yeah I've heard rumours about a mysterious Knight around Gotham. Have you two ever met?

Y/n: No unfortunately. In fact it has been a while since we last seen him. If he's still out there maybe we can meet up.

Kivat: We're not sure who even is IXA. This is a large city.

???: Lucky for you that I came.

They turn to see Amiri as he smiled friendly and then said.

Amiri: (smile) It's been a long time Y/n or should I say....kiva.


(Short while later)

We see Amiri sat down beside Tim as his coffee came and he takes a sip. Once he had a sip he place his mug down while Y/n ask.

Y/n: So your IXA? That's a surprise.

Amiri: (smile) Indeed I am. I was chosen to be IXA to defend the innocent from evil.

Tim: Say may I see your tech?

Amiri: (smile) Of course.

He hands over the IXA knuckle to Tim and he looks at it.

Tim: Impressive. The technology is pretty advanced. This tech is more future life than Morden.

Amiri: (smile) I see your reason.

Y/n: So what have you been doing since the last time we met?

Amiri: (smile) Defend the innocents from evil. While you were helping out Batman from crime, I was defending the innocents from Fangires.

Y/n: Huh I was a bit worried they would strike more since I'm not around to stop them. But I guess not. Thanks.

Amiri: God would wanted me to hold off the forces of evil for another allie.

Y/n: Are we? I mean I'm not exactly.....human.

Amiri: (smile) Nonsense as long your fighting for good I can say we are allies. Actually I came here to ask if you and I want to team up? We both know about Fangires so how's about we team up and battle side by side.

Kivat: I don't see why not.

Y/n: Yeah sure, we can team up.

Tim: Guess your apart of the bat-family then.

Kamen rider Kiva x Dc: Break the chains of justice حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن