Spoilt- Niko

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Using the name Chelsea instead of y/n

Chelsea's POV

Recently, my boyfriend, Niko has been really stressed out. Everyone knows how over the top he goes for his videos which is all good but no one sees the stress he is put through. On top of that, he's been so busy with beta squad and I know he feels bad that we haven't been able to do much together. I don't mind tho, it's the job he enjoys and id do anything to see him smile the way he does in front of those cameras.

Usually, Niko is always treating me to food, buying me flowers or new clothes etc. Even though I never ask, it's his hard earned money and he should spend it on himself. But he still always insists on paying for everything.

But I thought why not switch things up? Why not make it about him for once?

So earlier on, I went to tescos and picked up loads of bits that I know he will love. I got some flowers, he's never vocally said he likes flowers but he always likes it when we have a vase of fresh flowers on the windowsill.  Then I just picked up a load of drinks, sweets and chocolate. On top of a card which said thankyou on it.

As soon as I got in, I grabbed a little box I had kept from my birthday which one of my friends gave me my presents in. I knew it would come in handy.

I placed all the snacks and drinks into it with the card at the bottom, hidden. I then put the flowers down on the bed with the box next to it and waited for Niko to get home.

It was 8pm when he finally got back home. I knew he would be tried because he left at 7am and had been filming for beta squad all day.

"Hey baby" I said, practically running over to give him a hug as he walked through the door.

"Hi princess" he giggled slightly, kissing my cheek

"What's that big smile on your face for? What have you done?" Niko asked me

"Follow me!" I was going to wait for him to stumble across it himself but I couldn't wait. I know how happy small things like this make him. He cares more about thoughtful and meaningful gifts than expensive ones.

I took him to the bedroom and jumped onto the bed, sitting with my legs crossed behind the box

"Awh baby what's all this?" He asked me, leaning over and giving me a small peck on the lips.

"Just look!"

Nikos POV

I had such a long, stressful day filming with the boys. As much as I love what I do and I am so grateful to be in this position, it gets very draining. Having to smile and laugh infront of a camera all day and sit and talk to people gets hard after the first 4-5 hours.

I always feel so guilty too, I feel like me and Chelsea hardly do anything together anymore. I know she's happy tho. She's always got that big cheesy smile on her face at all times of the day.

She led me to the bedroom and there was a box and some flowers on the bed which she told me to look at.

I began looking through the box and noticed she picked out all my favourite things. Thats another thing I love about her, she knows everything I like without me having to physically tell her. She picks up on little things. Like the fact that I love when we have a vase of fresh flowers on the window sill.

I reached the end of the box when I saw an envelope. I looked up at her, confused and she had that beautiful smile plastered on her face. She was so excited even though she wasn't receiving anything.

I opened the envelope which revealed a card saying "thankyou" at the top.

I opened it and read what she had written.

To Niko

I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. I mean you do so much each and every day and make millions of people happy along the way. You always have that gorgeous smile on your face, even when you're not feeling 100%. You never fail to make everyone smile and laugh no matter what the situation is. This is why I love you! You are the most selfless person I know and I need you to know how much I appreciate that. I wanted to let you know how much I do so I thought I'd repay you with the same kindness you show me. I know it's not a nice new outfit or an expensive meal but I also know that doesn't matter to you.

I hope you love it just as much as I love you, although that is pretty hard.

Lots of love, Chelsea


I felt myself tear up as I read the sweet message she had written me. I didn't even say anything, I just wrapped my arms around her tightly and the tears started flowing.

"I love you so much Chels thankyou" I know it's not much, but this does mean the world to me. The fact she's taken time to notice all these little things I like and went out to buy them, knowing how stressed I've been lately. It's the little things that count.

Thankyou for reading!!!!

I'm actually dreading going back to school I literally haven't been in 2 months and I do not want to go back.

I hope you all enjoyed this, btw it's not proof read so sorry if there's any mistakes.

Going back to school is either gonna completely wear me out and I'll stop uploading as much for a while or give me loads of motivation and the posts will carry on. Hopefully the second one🤞🏼

Beta squad imagines/one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora