Cheater- Sharky

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Using the name Ella instead of y/n bud read however you like x

I need to start remembering to tag who requested chapters😭 but this one was requested by pyramidspluswhite


The beta squad live together
Ella is with AJ

Ellas POV

I had been at a Footasylum shoot all day and I cannot wait to get back and see AJ. Recently, he's been very busy im not sure what with but I understand I mean we all have busier months sometimes. I pulled up onto the drive after about 25 minutes of driving, because I am dating AJ and I come over all the time I have a key to the beta squad house. I let myself in and the house was very quiet, maybe no one's home?

I walked around downstairs and no one was there, usually the boys all sit downstairs if they are home. Other than AJ he's always being anti social in his room, it's good tho cause when he is home we get to spend quality time together alone.

I headed up to his room to see if he was in, if not I'll just chill in there til he is back. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. He was in bed but he was with someone else.

Some blonde girl.

They were both in bed, cuddling. I could tell neither of them had a top on. I wonder how he's gonna explain this one.

Is this why he's been acting so distant?

Some random bitch is in his bed cuddling with him with no clothes on. Me and AJ don't even do that and we were dating for well over a year. AJ hates physical touch.

As all these thoughts were running through my head I realised I'd just been standing there. By this point, AJ was stood up and just in his boxers. He just looked at me, not saying a word.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN" I shouted before slamming his door and storming down the stairs.

I walked past the cinema room and as I was about to reach for the door I heard a voice from the room.


I headed over to the room, i was praying that whoever it was didn't know that AJ was cheating and just didn't tell me. I mean I know all the boys are best friends but still how are they just gonna let him do that to me?

I walked into the room and saw Sharky getting up off the sofa

"What's the matter?" He asked me, I could tell he was genuinely confused so he mustn't know

"I just went up to AJ's room to go see him and some girl is lying there naked in his bed with him" i said as more and more tears streamed down my face, leaving streaks on my once perfect makeup

"Oh no Ella come here" he said as he wrapped his arms around my neck just holding me there for a second. It was nice to get a proper hug, i didn't really get them off AJ much seeing as he doesn't like them.

"Come sit down with me" he then said as he walked over to the sofa. He sat down first and opened his arms up, signalling for me to sit next to him, so I did.

I sat down and he wrapped his arms around me again, pushing my head into his chest as I just cried.

"I really loved him Sharks"  I managed to get out whilst still crying

"I know you did Ella but come on sit up we need to sort this breathing out" he said, letting go of me.

He grabbed both my hands and turned so we were facing eachother.

"Okay breathe in...

And out


And out"

He kept going on like that, breathing with me, until I calmed down a bit. Of course I was still angry and upset, but my breaths slowed down and tears weren't falling as often.

"Neither of them have even come down yet, just shows how much he doesn't care" i said looking out of the door at the stairs.

"Did he say anything to you when you saw?" Sharky asked me as he continued to hold my hands, squeezing them every so often

"No he just looked at me, he didn't even look upset or guilty. Just a blank expression" I replied

"He's not worth it anyway. I understand if you don't wanna tell the other boys but they aren't gonna let this slide if we do, I can assure you now that non of us knew i mean I just got home when I saw you walk past so I didn't even know AJ was here" Sharky reassured me.

I did want the other boys to know, they are honestly my best friends. I know they will go mad at AJ for this as well I mean they all say they see me as a little sister.

For the rest of the afternoon, I just sat with Sharky on the sofa. He had his arm around me and we were watching movies on the big TV. It was nice to know he cared, he didn't want anything from me. He just wanted me to be okay.

Thankyou for reading!!!

This is such a sad one compared to what I usually

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