It was nice seeing you- Harry Lewis

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Using the name Emily instead of y/n x

When Emily was very young, she lived in Guernsey with her mom, dad and sister. Her dad decided one day that he wanted to move to London because there was so many more opportunities for him over there, but her mom didn't agree. Eventually, they separated and he moved off to London.

This was really hard on Emily because her and her dad were very close but her mom wanted her to stay in Guernsey. The one person that helped Emily through all this was her best friend, Harry Lewis. They were inseparable, spending all day together in school and then on Friday they would sleep at hers before heading off to his on the Saturday. Their bond was amazing.

This all ended when Emily was 15. She had a boyfriend for a while and eventually ended up falling pregnant. It was not planned at all but of course she ran straight to her mom and told her everything.

To put in in simpler terms, let's just say her mom wasn't happy. After hours of arguing, Emily eventually ended up moving up to London with her dad.

Fast forward to when they are both 27(present day)

Emily has been living in London for 12 years now with her daughter and she never once returned to Guernsey. Although she did think about it sometimes, she always missed Harry.

It turns out he is doing really well now though, part of some youtube group that has 20 mil subs on youtube which is honestly just crazy.

Emily's POV

Today I have nothing to do so I'm gonna just go out for lunch with my daughter. It's her 12th birthday tomorrow but she wants to spend the day with her friends so I'm gonna take her out today.

We were sat in Nando's, eating our food and just chatting. Shes filling me in on all the school gossip when she suddenly stops and looks behind me. I turn around to see a group of boys walk in with a few camera men around them. Suddenly, a group of kids runs past us and begins taking pictures with the group.

"Mom can I get a picture with them?" She asks me

"Yeah sure come on" I replied, must be some YouTubers or something.

After a couple of minutes of waiting patiently, it's finally our turn and my daughter stands with the boys as I take a picture of them all. The crowd has died down now so they were talking to her, just asking how her day had been. You know, small talk.

I noticed that one of the boys was particularly quiet, he was fidgeting a lot with his hands. I looked up to his face and my heart dropped slightly.



"Oh my god it's been so long" he said as he pulled me into a hug

"MOM? You know Harry?!" My daughter asked confused.

"Oh Harry this is my daughter, Amelia. Amelia im guessing you know Harry" I laughed slightly.

Harry pulled her into a hug after saying hello.

"Well we better go now we just came in here so Ethan could go to the toilet. We need to catch up soon though, put your number into my phone" Harry said as I took his phone.

"It was nice seeing you Harry" I said as he walked out the door.

Sorry this one's short I just randomly got the idea😂. I feel like I could make this storyline into a book though?

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