Chunkz- friends to lovers

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Using the name Chelsea again instead of y/n but read however you want to x

This is a follow up from the 'Chunkz- enemies to friends' so go read that before this so you know what's happened

Thankyou Betasquads09xx for this request❤️

Chelsea's POV

I ended up staying in Kenny's room with him last night as I had no where else to go. I couldn't go home. Not to Jayden.

When I woke up I grabbed my phone and the time was 9:05. Kenny was no longer in bed but he's probably at the gym or on a run as he is in camp at the minute. I decided to go downstairs so I quickly threw on one of Kenny's hoodies and walked down to see who else was up.

I got downstairs and headed over to the kitchen to get some water and sit down. As I walked in I noticed someone leaning on the counter,


"Morning" I said, a bit awkwardly. My mind kept replaying yesterday and how he lied to me about Kenny being home. I couldn't figure out why he did. I know it's not that deep but it's just a bit weird

"Oh I didn't know you stayed over" he said, sharing my awkwardness

"Well I didn't have anywhere else to go" I giggled slightly but nothing could break the tension in the room

"Oh yeah true"

"Um about yesterday, I'm not annoyed or anything but why did you say Kenny wasn't in?" I asked him

"Well I saw you were upset and I kind of felt bad for the way I've treated you before and I wanted you to know I was a good person but it kind of backfired when Kenny came down" he replied after taking a moment to think

"Why are you usually so rude?" I just got straight to the point, I don't understand why he acted so differently to normal yesterday. It shows he can be a good person clearly so why isn't he always?

"I don't know it's nothing against you I think you're amazing.." he paused "I guess I just get a bit awkward and the only way to prevent conversation is if you don't want to talk to me. If that makes any sence"

"I mean kinda but there's other ways to go about things"

"I know and I'm sorry" he genuinely looked a bit guilty

"It's okay and again, thankyou for last night. Even though you did lie" I giggled again but this time it felt as if the tension had been released. Maybe because of the chat we had, or maybe because Kenny just opened the front door and it all got out.

"Oh hey guys" Kenny said as he walked into the kitchen, pulling me into a long hug "I'm going upstairs okay Chels"

"Oh so are you and Kenny like a thing?" Chunkz asked as Kenny left the room

"NO it's nothing like that, I only broke up with my boyfriend last night Jesus Christ"

"Oh my bad it's just like you slept in his bed, you're wearing his hoodie and that was a very long hug" Chunkz said, he sounded like a bit of a stalker. As if he had been observing my every move

"Why do you care?" I asked him

"Because Chels.. it dosent matter okay" he said, looking down slightly

"What no tell me" I begged him


I know you and Jayden only just broke up but could I maybe take you on a date one night? It dosent have to be too serious and if we don't feel anything afterwards we can just be friends and at least it can take your mind off what's going on right now" he asked me. I was so shocked.

"Oh um yeah that sounds good" I said, the awkward tension rose once again as Chunkz walked over to me and I stuttered a little. I only just broke up with my boyfriend, I shouldn't already be thinking about another man. Then again he was thinking of other girls while we were still dating. Besides you can't control your feelings

"Okay great what you up to tonight?" He asked me


"Okay be ready for 7pm sharp" he said, winking at me jokingly, before leaving me stood in the kitchen alone.

Thankyou for reading!

Not sure how I feel about this one but if anyone has a request let me knowwww

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