Dave- both sides of a smile.

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(I was planning to stick to Beta Squad but I was listening to my dave playlist and I really wanted to write one about him sorry if it's not great I'm tired but I can't sleep😭 alsooo I was rereading my Chunkz chapter as I'm thinking of doing a part 2 and I realised I put Honey instead of y/n cause I'm making a story about Kenny and the main characters name is Honey so I got confused. Forgive me if I do it again)

(Another note sorry I know the album this story is about was released in 2021 but we're gonna pretend it's present day. Anddd I know recording and releasing music doesn't work this fast but allow me for the sake of the story)

Y/n and David had been friends since they were in nappies. Their parents had been best friends, and so were they. But they always felt something deeper, a stronger connection. Would it be weird if they dated? Would it ruin their friendship? Would it ruin their parents friendships?

When she was 19, y/n became quite popular on social media. Now she is 25 and still has a huge following on all platforms. She has released a few singles, never an album, but she got allot of love and praise over her voice. Her best friend, David aka Santan Dave has released a couple albums and many songs with some great features. He is currently working on a new album, 'we're all alone in this together', and asked y/n if she wanted to feature. He claimed he had the perfect song. She of course accepted and they arranged a date to meet in the studio. She had already been introduced to the song and the lyrics and she LOVED it. Dave had figured out a tune and ran it by y/n, she thought it was perfect.
When she arrived at the studio, Dave was there already, he'd been there a while working on other songs for his album.
"Heyyyy" y/n said as she walked in to see Dave sat on the sofa with a bottle of water in one hand and his phone in the other.
"Hey y/n" Dave replied throwing his phone onto the sofa as he got up and hugged her tightly.
"Right so David's already recorded his bit so you okay to jump in now?" His producer asked (idk what u call the guy in the studio okay😭)
"Yeahh" she replied, throwing her coat, phone and lost Mary on the sofa next to David.

She went over the lyrics, Dave is honestly a lyrical genius. He is so good at what he does. He told her the song was about her, her past relationships. He knows all about them of course, he's lived through it all with her, by her side. It was about the other side of the smile, the side people don't see. The arguing. The manipulation. The endless tears. And then the side the public do see. The gifts. The flights. The holidays. Hence the name 'both sides of a smile'

"Well I don't get why you would tell me you want me to be your wifey?" She was getting into it. She related so much to the song. After all he claimed she would relate to it.

"I dont believe you when you gas me up and hype me cause your lusting and these women your fucking look nothing like me David"she felt weird singing these lyrics saying his name. she didn't want to. She wasn't delivering these lyrics to him.

"And carry all of your guilt in designer bags that you buy me David,, I ain't asking you to be someone you wasn't. I just wanna fuck with the person I fell inlove with"

"But a petite waist, sweet face I'll find another man" was he talking about her? Surely not. Surely he was generalising those lyrics. Right?

"Cause you taught me you don't listen, there's a difference in mistakes than in decisions  David." Y/n remembered saying that to Dave once, when she was slagging off her ex who she had just broken up with after he cheated on her.

"The first time was the worst time. Didn't hurt like the second or the third time. She put her life on pause" she finished by saying. She could tell those lyrics were aimed directly at her specifically. The way she distances herself when she's in a relationship, and pushes everyone away instead of talking about her feelings.

Once she finished up, she left the booth and went and sat on the sofa next to David. "I don't understand how you think of such good lyrics every time" she said sitting down
"I don't know, it just comes to me I guess. I wanted to make a song about you, cause your my best friend. You know, my girl. So it all came pretty naturally" he replied smiling at her. He placed his arm across the top of the sofa and his hand lightly touched her shoulder as she was sat facing him.

'My girl'? she thought to herself. She liked it. The idea of being Santan Dave's girl. No not even that. David's girl. Her David. Not the Dave with millions of fans, the Dave she knew and loved. The Dave she grew up with. The Dave who's shoulder she cried on after her first break up. There was always something between then. As they watched each other go through many relationships and heart breaks, there was always something. Something special. Something they didn't have with other people. Something they both secretly cherished.

After they had both fully finished in the studio, they got up to leave. y/n took an Uber there and Dave drove so he offered her a lift. While they were in the car he asked if she wanted to go to his place and she quickly accepted the offer. They pulled up on his driveway after 10 minutes of driving and singing. Once they were in the house we both took off their shoes and sat on the soft, black sofa, next to each other. They began catching up, although they were best friends, it had been a while since they had seen each other. David's always in the studio or performing and shes always filming, they were both busy people. After a while of talking they both stopped, staring into each others eyes.

Y/n did something she wasn't expecting. Something she wasn't planning. Whilst he stared into her eyes,  she leaned over and kissed him. She pulled away quickly after realising what she had done, but he pulled her back in. She slowly layed down as he moved on top of her. Neither pulling away from the kiss. After making out like that for 5 minutes, they broke away properly and stared back into each others eyes. He gave her another peck before sitting up, gesturing her to come closer so he could put his arm round her. She didn't know what to say so she just cuddled up to him.
It wasn't awkward though. It was nice. The silence felt warm almost, it felt like y/n was at home.

She was with the man she had always truly wanted. The man she always truly loved.

(if anyone has any good stories or even one shots about Kenny plsss lmk i feel like all the beta squad ones are sharky thanksss xxx)

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