Chunkz (brothers best friend)

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Back story

Y/n Omilana,(22)Niko Omilana's step sister.
They both started YouTube around the same time however y/n's channel blew up long before Niko's. She started off filming little blogs and makeup tutorials, at the time that was the trend. Once she went viral, she did a few q&a's and challenge videos, and kept going from there

Fast forward 8 years y/n has 10Mil subscribers on YouTube and now works with many different brands such as footasylum. Y/n and Niko don't see each other much anymore, Niko lives in the beta house and y/n lives in her own house.

Y/n had a shoot with footasylum today, she was doing chef asylum with Nella Rose, Chunkz and Darkest man.
Nella and y/n were best friends, they meet through social media and have been inseparable ever since. Y/n had worked with Darkest quite a lot and they were good friends. She had worked with Chunkz a few times but not as many as Darkest or Nella.
She never really went to the Beta house, if she wanted to see Niko he would usually get an Uber to her or they would see each other at her dad and step moms (Nikos mom) house when they both went home. She had always thought Chunkz was fit and he of course has an amazing personality with his top priorities being family, friends and of course God. Even though she had a thing for Chunkz, she knew he was off limits as he was her brothers best friend. Some may say it doesn't matter and they are only step siblings but she didn't see it like that. He was her brother and that was it. She wanted Nikos approval before she could even think about Chunkz.

She got to the shoot and was greeted by Nella, they gave each other a big hug then she followed by hugging Darkest. It seemed she was the last to get to the shoot as Chunkz had just walked into the room before her. Chunkz said hello and hugged her, even though they weren't close, they both loved hugs. The producers explained what they had to do, they had to take it in turns picking random ingredients and cooking them, trying to make a full meal with no help in 20 minutes. They could use the cheat box if they answered a general knowledge question correctly, if they failed 5 minutes was taken off their time. Once they were done the others had to eat and rate the food on creativity, taste and decoration. Chunkz went first, then Nella, then Darkest and it was finally y/n's turn. She wasn't nervous before but she was now, seeing how badly the others did scared her but at the end of the day it was all just for content. Y/n was a pretty decent cook, but they weren't given 'normal things'. Y/n had to cook squid which was horror. Darkest and Nella were hysterically laughing the whole time but Chunkz was actually trying to help her.
After they were wrapped up with the shoot Nella left straight away as she had places to be but y/n, Darkest and Chunkz all stuck around. As I was preparing to order an Uber, Niko messaged me.



Yeah you okay?

What are you getting your dad for his birthday???

Niko his birthdays tomorrow? Why do you always leave everything so last minute😂

I know but I need help what do I get him

Just share with me, I'll write your name on the card😂 god I actually hate you sometimes

Love you too xx
OMG your with Chunkz right? You should come back here it's been ages

Niko I'm literally seeing you tomorrow

Yeah but that's with like all our family you should come here and hangout
You haven't come over since we moved to the new mansion

We get it you have a big house you dont need to keep calling it a mansion🙄
I don't wanna ask Chunkz to take me tho what if he thinks I'm rude

He won't care
Why do you care what he thinks anyway????

I don't
I'll see u soon ig xx


I decided to just charge it and ask Chunkz. Besides I did want to see my brother and the rest of his friends. Especially Kenny he's literally my best friend out of them all. I think I see him more than my own brother to be honest.
"Hey Chunkz" I said walking over to them
"Yoo" he said smiling up at me. He and Darkest were sat on a random sofa in the studio
"Basically Niko asked if I wanted to come to yours for a bit cuz I haven't in ages and he said instead of ordering an Uber I should ask if you can take me" I said hoping he would agree
"Yeah of course, we should probably all leave now anyway" Chunkz said feeling for his car keys in his pocket.

Darkest changed his mind about going to the beta house so after dropping him off, it was just me and Chunkz in the car. We were singing along to the music until the song changed, neither of us liked the song so he turned it down.
"Why haven't you come over in so long" Chunkz questioned me
"Oh I don't know. Haven't been asked" I replied
"You do know you can come round whenever. We don't care" Chunkz said smiling at me before looking back at the road
"Thankyou" I replied not sure what else to say.
After 10 minutes of driving without Darkest we arrived.

Chunkz opened the door and as soon as Niko heard he ran over and hugged me.
"Hey sis" he said. I've never liked the word sis so Niko always said it to piss me off.
"Hi" I said pretending to be annoyed
"Is that y/n I hear" Kenny shouted as he walked over to the door from the kitchen.
"HEY KENNY" I said hugging him

We all sat in the living room for a bit just catching up. "Hey Kenny can I talk to you in private?" I asked
"Yeah come to my room" he replied
Usually that would sound a bit suspicious, as if we were gonna do something but everyone knew me and Kenny were friends, nothing more. Everyone else decided to go upstairs for a bit too.

When we got to Kenny's room I shut the door and sat on his bed. I began to explain how I sort of had some feelings for Chunkz but I didn't know how to tell him or Niko. I began to waffle about Chunkz and all the reasons why I liked him, his looks, his humour, his style, the way he's so family orientated, the way he's so polite etc etc. while I was rambling Kenny cut me off-
"Honey you do realise Chunkz' room is next door" he said quietly.
"What??" I replied whispering but still loudly. I know how loud I talk so I already knew Chunkz heard it all. Fuck.
"Don't worry" kenny said, "it's getting late how about I drop you home and we talk about it tomorrow"
" oh I can't tomorrow it's my dads birthday party" I said
"Yeah didn't Niko tell you, we're all coming"


Once I got home I changed into my pjs and lay in bed on my phone. I had honestly forgotten about the whole Chunkz thing in Kenny's room, until I got a text.

Chunkz x
If you liked me you could have just said so babes x😘

(I don't really know where this was going. I've never written shorter stories and to be fair I've only got one longer story so I did waffle a bit as if I had loads of chapters. But I'll make a part 2 of the birthday party and that)

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