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Using the name Sophie instead of y/n but read however u want to x

Sophies POV

I woke up this morning only to realise I had started my period in the night and leaked all over my fresh bed sheets and pjamas, great. Annoyed, I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed some fresh underwear and a tampon before jumping into the shower. After that I took all my bedding off and chucked it into the wash. Then I just sat on my bed, i was so tired but since I had been walking around so much I couldn't get back to sleep.

What a great start to the day..

After putting on some fresh fluffy pyjamas, I was just scrolling through tiktok, waiting for the wash cycle to finish so I could put my bedding into the dryer when I got a call.

It was my boyfriend, Niko.

The call

Bold- Sophie

Hey Sophs

Hey baby

Do u wanna come to film with me today?

Not really

Oh but you always want to come, are you okay?

I just woke up and I started my period and I've leaked all over my bed I'm just not in a good mood

Oh okay baby


No dont be sorry, look I have to go but I promise I'll speak to u in a bit


I love you

I love you more

Call ended

I felt bad saying no to him but i didn't want to show up and just be all moody cause I'm tired or cause of my cramps so there was no point. I wish he wasn't filming tho so I could see him.

Time skip

The wash cycle finally finished and I put the bedding into my tumble dryer so that when I got it out it was all warm. Once that was done I put it back onto my bed and got in, it was so nice and warm. I decided to put a Disney movie on my tv and just chill for a bit, I always watch Disney when I'm in a bad mood cause most the films are so cute and happy and it can sometimes put me in a bit of a better mood.

About 20 minutes into the movie I heard knocking at my front door.

That's weird, I'm not expecting anyone.

Slightly annoyed, I got up and opened the door. To my suprise Niko was stood with a carrier bag in his hands. Before I could even say anything, Niko engulfed me into a big warm hug, snaking his arms round my waist as mine went round his neck.

"Um i cancelled the shoot cuz it was for my channel anyways so it doesn't really matter but I went to the shop and I brought you some tampons I got a few boxes cuz i don't really know what's what and then I got you some chocolate and tea bags cause I know how much you love tea" Niko said, looking down into his bag

"Awh Niko you didn't have to do that but thankyou so much" I replied, I felt so bad that he cancelled his shoot. I mean I know he said it doesn't matter but still

"Do you need me to do anything? I can wash your bedding for you if you want" he asked me

"No thankyou baby i did it earlier but you could come and lie with me if you have nothing to do" I said, i didnt want him to feel like he had to. I mean he's Niko Omilana, he has places to be and people to see but he does always make time for me which is one of the many things I love about him.

"Of course baby, you go lie down and I'll put this stuff away" he said

Nikos POV

As Sophie went into her room, I put the tampons in her bathroom cupboard and the tea bags on her kitchen side for her before following her into the room. I took off my hoodie, throwing it to her to put on. I made sure I sprayed extra cologne onto it before leaving so it would really smell like me. Then I got into her bed, laying down next to her, as she unpaused whatever movie she was watching.

We both just lay there in silence, her head on my chest and my arm around her shoulders. It was a nice, comfortable silence with the movie playing softly in the back. Well that was until I heard faint snoring, I looked down to see her asleep. Im happy that she's managed to get to sleep, I know she finds it hard to sleep when she's on her period. She never does with me tho.

I quietly whispered "i love you" before kissing her head and closing my eyes to get some rest too.

Sorry its so short I hope you all enjoy, thankyou for reading🩷

Also i didnt proof read so sorry if there's any mistakes or anything dosent make sence x

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