Ed- Niko

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Using the name Leila instead of y/n but read however you would like x

I got this chapter idea from Betasquads09xx again! Go check out her writing cause it's amazing.

Trigger warning - Eating disorders

Leilas POV

I was standing in front of my fridge, zoned out, just staring at the food. It was making a beeping noise because it had been open for too long but i just ignored it. Until I felt hands on my waist. I jumped a bit, before turning around to see my boyfriend Niko looking down at me.

"What's the matter baby why you just standing infront of the fridge?" Niko asked me

"Oh nothing um I was just hot" I replied, stuttering a little

Nikos POV

I've noticed recently that Leila hasn't been eating much. In the mornings shes either too tired or in too much of a rush for breakfast, we aren't together often at lunch time because we're usually at a shoot or in meetings but when we are she won't eat. She claims she ate a big breakfast but I know she didn't. Then at dinner time she will go to sleep early or say she ate when she was out.

I've been wanting to speak to her about it for a while but i never know what to say. I dont want her to be upset incase she genuinely isn't hungry or she genuinely did already eat. But I just don't think her excuses are believable.

Leilas POV

I wouldn't really call it an eating disorder, it's just that I skip meals sometimes. Im fine tho. It's nothing deep. I just don't want Niko to know, he will freak out.

"Baby can we talk?" He asked me, grabbing my hand and leading me to the sofa before I could even answer

"Okay so i didnt want to say anything but I've noticed that your not eating much recently and I just want to know if everything is okay" he got straight to the point when we sat down

"Im fine Niko" I replied, he can tell when im lying tho

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He asked me, ive never seen him look so serious. Hes not a serious person he's always laughing and joking around but not today.

"I don't know I guess it's like control I mean my life can be so hectic and one of the only things I can control is how much and what I eat" i said looking down

"Oh baby you know you can always talk to me when you feel like that. I hope nothing feels out of control with us" he looked and sounded so concerned which warmed my heart

"No its nothing to do with us baby i love you, i love us" i replied as he pulled me into a hug.

We stayed like that for a while, me in his arms. It was comforting, we were sat in a nice comfortable silence just relaxing. After about 20 minutes, he let go of me and i sat up confused.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked me

"Umm I had toast yesterday morning"

"Okay let's get you something to eat, you don't have to have anything too heavy we can go get some ice cream or something if you want it's still technically food" he knows how much I do love ice cream

"Umm okay" I was a bit hesitant but I know its the right thing and he only wants what is best for me. There's other ways to overcome this problem, not eating isn't one of them

"Come on then!" he shouted, practically racing to the front door

Time skip

Me and Niko went to Tesco and just got some vanilla ice cream as its quite light and not too filling. I had like half a bowl, it's hard getting back into eating a 'normal' amount when you haven't for a while. He supported me the whole time tho, he was constantly making sure I was okay and reassuring me. Then, we spent the rest of the evening cuddling in bed. We both turned our phones off so we had no distractions and put a movie on our TV

I love this man🥹

Thank you so much for reading I'm so sorry its short!

I wanna write more chapters like this because as much as I enjoy writing the more happy ones I feel like these ones can provide comfort for people who are struggling? I know a lot of people don't really have someone they can go to for comfort so I feel like it could be useful and also awareness. Such as eating disorders don't always mean that you don't like the way you look, it can be for control and things like that. Sort of to make you feel like you have power over controlling something too but of course everyone deals with things differently.

Please if you are struggling then reach out to somebody, don't suffer alone❤️ and also just because you may know other people who are also going through a lot it doesn't mean your problems are less important than theirs because they aren't. Don't ever dismiss your own feelings because you feel like someone else has it worse. We all go through rough times but remember that your feelings are valid!

But on a much happier note, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

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