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Y/n is Chunkz' best friend. They have been close for many years and have helped eachother grow in life and in their careers. Y/n was an influencer but not as famous as Chunkz, he offered to help her build up her following but she denied his offer. She wanted people to recognise her as her, not Chunkz' mate.

She had met the beta squad a few times but not many, to be fair she didn't even see Chunkz much anymore. But they were still best friends.

Fast forward

As I said, y/n and Chunkz dont really speak much anymore. However she has recently been getting close with one of his friends.
Nikolas Omilana.

They were good friends for a few months until about a month ago when he asked her out on a date.

She quickly accepted his offer and since then they have been on 3 dates (including the first one).

Their most recent date was last night, which brings us to today.

9:45 am

Y/n's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. After looking around for a moment I realised where I was. Nikos house. An NDL hoodie was hanging up and next to it was a painting of the Mona Lisa on his wall but instead it had his face on. She laughed at the painting before looking for her phone.

She found it under her pillow and checked the time.

"It's early" she wispered to herself. And with that she fell back asleep, not even acknowledging Niko wasnt in the room.

Time skippp


Nikos POV

Recently me and y/n have been very close. She was originally Chunkz' best friend but they don't speak much anymore. It started with me helping her edit a video, now 3 months later she's lying peacefully in my bed.

But don't worry we didn't do anything like that.

We just went to food and to the ciniema last night and she stayed over.

As much as I wanted to wake her up so I could see her beautiful eyes and her perfect smile, I decided to let her sleep in. We didnt go to sleep til 5 this morning and I know she needs at least 10 hours sleep or she is a right bitch. I do love her tho.

Today my friends are coming over, Kenny,AJ,Sharky,George and Chunkz.

Chunkz dosent know about me and y/n, I know he won't care. If anything he will be happy. I just haven't told him yet. I know y/n hasn't either. But I will eventually.

Another time skip im sorry


Everyone was here now and we were gonna watch a movie. Y/n was still sleeping. I knew she wouldn't wake up anytime soon. I was planning on getting her up when the boys left. She deserves the sleep.

As I was trying to set up the film, it wouldn't work. AJ and George went to my room to get blankets, y/n being in there completely slipped my mind. Im so used to her being in the house, I forgot the boys didn't know.

Readers POV

AJ and George walked into Nikos bed room, George went straight to the wardrobe and AJ was following but he stopped when he thought he saw someone.

"Yo george" AJ wispered
"Yeah?" George questioned looking over, then he saw it too.

The boys walked a bit closer and saw a familiar face in Nikos bed.  Y/n

"Yo I swear that's Chunkz' bredrin" AJ said confused

"I think it is" George said slightly upset his best friend hadnt told him. Although there wasn't too much to tell. They weren't official, technically just very good friends.

The boys walked to the kitchen and saw Chunkz and Sharky preparing snacks and drinks.

"Go and look in Nikos bed" AJ wispered

The boys were confused but when they saw AJ's straight face they knew  it was serious. AJ never keeps a straight face.

They walk slowly to the room, it was opposite the kitchen as Niko lived in a sort of small apartment. It wasn't tiny, the rooms were actually quite big. But everything was close together.

They were a bit confused til they saw someone moove.

"Bro I swear that's y/n" Sharky clocked on before Chunkz
"Rahteddddd" Chunkz said a bit shocked.

He was confused as to why he wasn't told. I mean him and y/n are so close. Sure they don't speak much anymore but she always told him everything. Or so he thought. But how couldn't Niko tell him, they see eachother practically every day. He wasn't mad, just disappointed(I sound like my mom🤣)
He wished his friends had told him.

After grabbing the blankets and snacks, the four boys returned to see Kenny and Niko had the movie ready to play.

"Yo Niko" Chunkz said before they began

"Why don't you get y/n to join us" he said laughing, showing Niko he wasn't mad

Sharky, George and AJ all smiled while Kenny looked confused.

"I forgot she was in there" Niko said laughing

"I'm so lost" Kenny added, brushing it off.

"No but fr man go get her" Chunkz said before Niko got up and walked to his room

Y/n's POV 

I was woken up by two hands shaking me. Usually I'd be mad but I wasn't. I knew exactly who it was. I rolled over to see his face, his beautiful face.

"Morning princess, sleep well?" He asked smiling


"Yes thankyou baby" I replied, voice slightly raspy. I gave him a kiss on the nose before he spoke up again.

"The boys are here, I think they walked in and saw you cause they told me to come get you. Were watching a movie if you wanna join?" Niko asked

"Sure" i said hopping out of bed. I didn't care how I looked, the only person I was looking to impress was Niko and he had seen me like this so many times.

I walked into the living room, next to Niko, and saw all the boys. I was in an NDL hoodie and Nikos boxers, i would have put on some joggers but the boxers covered everything and you could hardly see them under the hoodie but you could tell there was something underneath. I had no makeup on and my hair was in a messy bun. I didnt look great. But I knew Niko didn't care. I love how he loves everything about me, he's not just here for looks.

We all said hello to each other and I sat down, next to Niko. I had my head on his shoulder and his arm was around me.

Kenny pressed play on the movie and we all sat and watched it.

I honestly couldn't tell you what it was. I was still half asleep. I was just admiring Nikos concentration to the screen.

I genuinely love this man. Hes the best thing that could have happened to me. Im forever grateful for the past three months I've been able to spend here, in his arms every day.

We watched the movie and then everyone had a chat. Me and Niko explained that he was helping me with some editing and then we got close. I told them about how he asked me out and we had been on three dates. They were all so happy for us and wished us well 

I appreciated it all, but especially Chunkz.  I thought he'd be annoyed we didn't tell him but it was quite the opposite.

He seemed genuinely happy. Just like I was.

(I was falling asleep and then had this idea so of course I couldn't sleep after that. To be fair it didn't go how I planned but whatever. Hope you enjoyyyyyy)

Also i didnt proof read so if anything is spelt wrong or don't make sense that's why xx

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