Guess the gold digger- AJ

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Using the name Emily instead of y/n but read however x

Request by lowveey ❤️

Emily POV

About a year ago, I went round to my parents house and my brother was there with all of his friends. They were watching YouTube on the telly, Beta Squad to be exact. I had seen Chunkz in a sidemen video before but other than that I didn't know the Beta Squad.

Fast forward a year and I've been consistently watching them ever since. They are all so funny and seem like such kind, genuine people. But they aren't the boring nice they have banter too.

About 2 weeks ago, I saw that they had uploaded on instagram. It was a link to a google form for girls to fill out to apply for a video.

'Guess the gold digger, AJ edition'

As soon as I saw it was for AJ, I immediately clicked on it. I mean why not?

I filled out my name, the city I live in, my job and clicked that I would be there for love. Then I had to send over a video of myself, explaining why I wanted to be part of the video and why I would be good for the video.

After a whole week of checking my emails, I finally got a reply.

'Hello Emily, we loved your response and are hoping you could come down to **** next Monday? Please get back to us and let us know!'

I was so happy!

I had been wanting to start influencing, like maybe just TikTok and Instagram for a while now and being in a Beta Squad video could really help me. I mean they have 8 million subs. But it also meant that I got to meet the boys I had been obsessed with for a year, especially AJ.

I feel like it's such an unpopular opinion, but he's very attractive. Looks and personality.

Fast forward to the day of the shoot

I finally arrived at the studio after a pretty long drive. I was greeted at the door by a man named George, I had seen him a lot with Niko so I already knew who he was but I didn't want to seem like a stalker so I pretended not to

"Hello you must be Emily? If I remember correctly" he said to me as I walked up to him

"Yeah that's me!" I replied with a big smile on my face, walking through the door into the building

"Okay great I'm George, we're gonna get you all miced up and then I'll take you to the other girls if that's okay with you" he was very polite

"Yeah of course" I replied as I followed him into a room

They got me all miced up so I was ready for the video and then I walked up a flight of stairs. I was met with a room full of beautiful girls. To be honest I felt quite intimidated, when I say they were all gorgeous I mean it! But at the end of the day, I'm the one here for love.

We were all sitting on the sofas talking when the door opened, we were met with Chunkz which was very unexpected

"Hello ladies I just thought I'd come up and say hi, we will start filming soon but I'm pretty sure someone will come up and get you all" he paused "I'm not sure who is here for love but no matter what AJ is a lucky man your all stunning" he smiled before leaving the room. I cannot believe Chunkz just called me stunning. I mean I know it wasn't specifically to me but it was directed at us all.

Time skip

"Okay girls we're ready for you if you would all like to follow me" George said as he led us all downstairs into a room which I recognised straight away from the other versions of this video they had done.

(I'm mainly gonna write about after filming otherwise we will be here forever😂)

Round 1

"Hello ladies" AJ said as he walked into the room. He stood infront of us as we were all in a line, he looked at all of us before speaking again "could you all tell me your name, age and jobs please?"

Girl 1- Talia, 24 dancer

Girl 2- Chelsea, 26 model

Girl 3- Emily, 25 model

Girl 4- Ellie, 27 footballer (not like famous or anything tho)

Girl 5- Tasia, 22 dancer

"Okay okay" AJ smiled

In round 1, Tasia was voted out.

"Okay ladies I'm gonna go upstairs for a moment" AJ said as he walked out the room through the same door he used to come in

After about 2 minutes of waiting, the door opened back up but it wasn't AJ. It was the rest of the beta squad.

"Okay girls could you all tell us how you found out about AJ and why you like him please?" Chunkz asked

Skip to Emilyspart

"I first saw AJ when I went to my parents house, my brother and his friends were watching you guys and I thought he was hilarious and quite good looking so I followed him on insta then I started watching him on YouTube. And I like him because of his sense of humour and he seems like a genuinely nice man" I said, I probably could have thought of something better but I was so nervous. I mean the literal best squad were sat in front of me, of course I was nervous.

In round 2, I was voted out by the boys which was so annoying. I walked off set and George took me to the same room as earlier, where Tasia from round 1 was sat. We had to go back for the end of the video to reveal who was there for love.

Skip to the end of the vid

We were all stood back in the same order as earlier on.

"Okay Chelsea, if your here for money then take the cash out my hand, if your here for love then give me a hug" AJ said as he stood infront of girl 2 with some cash in hand.

She paused for a moment, for suspense I suppose. Before taking the money straight out of AJ's hand.

"OH MY DAYS!" AH shouted, he sounded dissapointed, "okay whoever was here for money step forward please"

I waited a moment and then I stepped forward, revealing that it in fact was me there for love.

"OMG BOYS WE COULD HAVE WON THIS ITS ALL YOUR FAULT" AJ shouted and laughed as he walked over to me "can I give you a hug?" He asked me like a proper gentleman

"Yes of course" I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, mine around his neck.

He then let go and stood next to me, putting his arm round my shoulders "Emily anything to say?"

"Play the trailer!" I shouted

"And that's a wrap guys" George shouted as a few people clapped.

I was about to walk off set when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Emily I was wondering if I could maybe get your number? Your very beautiful and I didn't really have chance to get to know you" AJ asked me

"Umm yeah sure" I said reluctantly as I took his phone and put my number in. I saved myself as Em😉 and giggled before giving him his phone back.

Oh my god.

AJ Shabeel has my number!!

Part 2?????

Thankyou for reading xx

Not proof read sorry if there's mistakes!

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