ACT 5 - eight.

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"So Lando made me choose between you and him" Max Fewtrell and I were standing in the lobby of my hotel in the Netherlands.

I knew he would do this and unfortunately I also knew what Max would do.

"I-I'm sorry Rae" he said as he put his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb softly against it.

I shook my head, putting my hand on his. "Don't be sorry, I completely understand"

They were friends for years. I knew he wasn't gonna pick me above Lando.

We didn't say anything else, we both didn't know what to tell each other. He left the hotel soon after.

I sighed and made my way to the bar of the hotel. I sat down at the bar and ordered something to make me forget everything.

One drink turned into two, three, four, I lost count.

"Did he sign the papers?" His new girl sat down next to me at the bar. "He didn't" I rolled my eyes. She probably knew this already.

"I didn't know you guys got married" she said as she ordered a glass of wine.

I didn't answer. That wasn't something she could blame me for anyways.

"Did you give him the papers so he would realize he still loves you?" The audacity of this girl.

I snapped my head to her. Her blonde hair was up in a very messy bun, she had dark circles under her eyes, something was keeping her up at night and I was pretty sure it wasn't Lando.

Or not because she was having fun with him at least.

"No, I gave him the papers because we moved on, we don't need to be married" I lied, she didn't need to know the truth.

She didn't need to know that I didn't trust him with my empire and that I wanted to end the contract between Mclaren and Hilton.

It was none of her business.

"But did you move on though?" She tilted her head with a smile.

Okay she was getting on my nerves.

"Did he move on though?" I matched her energy, putting a smile on my face.

"He-he obviously did, he's dating me" she stuttered.

So there were doubts. "But does he love you?"


So that's a no.

"When you're driving home at night, does he put his hand on your thigh and does he squeeze it a couple of times, just because he can't keep his hands to himself?" I asked. But I didn't wait for her answer.

"Does he take the long way just so you don't have to say goodbye?"

Another quiet moment.

"When you're standing at the door, does he make you feel like you are everything he ever wanted? Does he kiss you until your lips are sore?"

She looked down, not giving an answer, but she didn't need to.

"When you're making love to him, does he whisper sweet nothings in your ear? Does he kiss you so soft, so passionately between every thrust? Do you feel his heart beat out of his chest?"

She shook her head and she probably finally realized she was nothing more than a replacement.

"If he don't treat you right by now.." I said as I got up, putting some money on the bar to cover my drinks and hers included. "then he never will"

I walked out of the bar, going upstairs, but I wasn't going to my room.

I was going to my husbands room. I knew he would be alone because his girl was sitting at the bar and I don't think she will be running to him after our conversation.

He wasn't gonna sign the papers when he hated me, he wasn't gonna sign them until he was sure I wouldn't end the contract between Mclaren and Hilton.

He needed to think I actually liked him.

And his girlfriend gave me the confirmation that he was just dating her for show, as a rebound.

Telling Max he had to choose between me and him, revealed that he was jealous and bothered by it.

I was gonna ask him nicely for the last time before I would do something he wasn't gonna like.

He had one last chance before I would break the contract, before I would take my millions to another team.

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