ACT 2 - six.

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Rae offered me and why? There must be something behind it.

At first I thought she went with Lando to Canada for his next race and wanted to be sure I stayed here.
But that wasn't the case because I already Facetimed her and she was definitely in Spain.

I received the new contract and she was offering me so much more money, a laptop and a brand new Iphone.

Why? What is she trying to do? What is she planning?

I couldn't figure it out.

"So now you're the big boss, can you maybe put in a good word for me?" Juliette asked as she was standing in my office, Rae's office.

"What do you want?" I chuckled as I looked at her. "Your position at the front desk is available and I really want it"

"I will see if Rae is available" I mumbled as I looked at my laptop.

Rae shared her calendar with me, so I could check when she was available. It also gave me an opportunity to stalk her, every hour I checked her calendar to see if something changed in her plans.

I opened her calendar, she blocked half an hour to eat lunch but I knew she worked through it most of the time. "I'll call her now" I looked at Juliette with a smile.

"Oh my God, you're the best" she said as she put her thumb up and walked out of the office.

I always felt nervous to press the call button next to her name, but she picked up pretty quickly.

"Hi Rae" I waved at the camera. Fuck, why was I so awkward. "Hi Nora, how is Monaco?" she smiled.

"Good, I'm sorry to bother you but I have a quick question.." I started. It was clear to see that she was busy. "You're not bothering me" she mumbled as she kept typing something.

"Juliette asked me if my position at the front desk was still available"

She stopped typing and bit her lip as she was looking around, probably thinking about what I just said.

Please don't say I have to go back to my old position in a week. Don't tell me this was only temporary.

"Uh yes it is" she nodded. "Is she interested?"

I nodded. "Yes she is"

"Okay and what do you think? Is she capable? Is she ready for it?" Rae asked and this time she was looking at me, because she was clearly looking at her screen.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think so"

"Then she stays at her current position. I trust your judgement"

She nodded at someone and gestured that she was in a call, before turning back to me.

"I will open a vacancy. You may interview the people that apply, but please send me an invite for each interview and I will try to be there" she started typing again, probably already putting a vacancy online.

I hated this, but she was doing such a good job.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"No problem Nora, was there something else?" she smiled.

I shook my head. "No, that was all"

"Alright, thanks for your hard work Nora, bye" She said she ended the call.

That went better than expected. She actually trusted me.

I walked out of my office and saw Juliette standing at the front desk, she quickly turned in my direction.

"And? What did she say?"

"She said no" I tilted my head. "I really tried but she didn't think you were capable enough"

Her smile turned in a frown. "Really? You were right. What a bitch"

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