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"Why didn't you stop us?" Lando asked while I was scrolling through the pictures.

We were clearly drunk, but we also looked pretty comfortable around each other.

"Hey I tried, but you kept saying how sure you were about this" Max shrugged his shoulders. "There was no stopping you"

Lando and I both looked at each other as Max left.

"So I guess I'm Mrs Norris now" I tried to joke with it, trying to ease the tension a little.

He shook his head and grabbed his phone. "No way, I don't even like you"

Damn, I wasn't expecting this answer but fair enough, I didn't like him either.

"What's your name again?" He titled his head as he looked at me.

Was he serious about this? He didn't even know my name.


"Rae" he nodded as if he was trying to remember things. "Rae, did you marry me for my money?"

Oh bless his soul, he knew I would get half of his money if we got a divorce.
Little did he know, my family pretty much owned the hotel we were staying in.

My family owned every hotel he was staying in.

I shook my head. "Lando trust me, I wouldn't marry you either, we were drunk"

"I was drunk" he corrected me.

He really thought I planned this whole thing.

"I am gonna call my PR manager" he said as he walked out of the room.

I sighed as I fell down on the bed. Why did I always do stupid things when I was drunk? I should definitely stop drinking.

My dad will be so disappointed with me once again.

He wanted me to take over his position but he wanted me to prove I could be mature enough.

Marrying a random dude was definitely not what he meant by that.

I grabbed my phone and texted one of my closest friends.

Charlotte ❤️

Omg Charl.
I did something stupid

Oh no
What did you do now?

I married a F1 driver

You did what??

We were drunk
We don't even remember a thing


No please don't
We will get a divorce anyways

Ey you achieved more than Isa and I

Fuck you

I rolled my eyes as I put my phone away. Charlotte was one of my best friends, she was dating Charles when I was dating my ex, so we together a lot.

I hung out with the Ferrari girls almost every day.

Lando walked back in the room after I got showered. It was a pretty long call with his PR manager and he didn't seem too happy about the result of it.

"So" he said as he sat down with a sigh. "I can't divorce you immediately because it would cause a PR mess"

Lando was the golden boy of Mclaren, the innocent, cute guy.
It didn't match his personality to marry a girl and divorce her the day after.

But I guess it created an opportunity for me too.

If my dad saw me with Lando, he would maybe give me a chance to take over the business.

"So we have to act as if we are together?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame.

He sighed again. "I told them it wasn't a good idea. No offense but I am not even attracted to you or anything"

Damn. None taken.

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm not attracted to you either" I chuckled.

What a lie.

"But I guess I can help you out, I'm a good actress" I smirked.

I definitely was, I was acting as if I wasn't attracted to him.

"You wanna do that for me?" He put his hand through his hair, trying to fix his messy curls.

"Not for you, for me" I walked to him and sat down next to him on the edge of the bed.

He looked at me confused. I guess it was time to reveal who I really was.

I was gonna help him with his PR mess and make sure people still saw him as the cute boy while he was gonna help me secure my position in this company.

There were worst people to fake date anyways.

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