ACT 3 - five.

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Juliette fixed me a plane pretty quickly. Maybe she was indeed not suitable for the front desk job.

Maybe she needed to be the manager of the hotel, if there was still a hotel in the first place.

I arrived in Monaco a couple of hours later, obviously way too late, there wasn't much I could do.

But I had to be there, my employees needed someone.

"Are you the owner?" A fireman walked up to me. I nodded softly as I looked up at my hotel.


"So we managed to save most of it, but there is a lot of damage. We believe it was intentional" his words echoed through my head.

It was as if I was stuck in a dream, a nightmare and I would wake up in Lando's arms soon.

But unfortunately this was real.

"I am sorry, did you say it was intentionally?" I looked at him and he nodded in agreement.

I shook my head. Unbelievable.

"Do you know where the fire started?"

"We believe it was your office"

There was only one person who had the key to my office. I looked at Nora, she was standing with Juliette with her hand covering her mouth.

She was acting as if she was in shock, while she caused this. She put my hotel on fire.

I walked up to both of them. Juliette immediately turned to me while Nora kept looking at the hotel.

"Rae, I'm so sorry, I tried calling you but you weren't picking up" Juliette stammered. It was true. I put my phone on silent so only my vip contacts could come true.

Which were my dad and all the managers of my hotels.

Nora being one of them.

But she didn't call me, she never tried to reach me.

"I know, I'm sorry about that but thanks Juliette" I smiled. She looked at me for a couple of seconds before wrapping her arms around me and hugging me. "I am so sorry about your hotel"

"It's okay" I whispered before taking a step back. Nora still didn't look at me, she didn't even acknowledge me.

"Nora" I said as I looked straight at her. She finally turned in my direction but still didn't look at me. "I expect you to give the key to my office, your phone and your laptop to Juliette as soon as possible, preferably tomorrow"

"W-what? Are you firing me?"

I don't know what she was doing working in a hotel, she should be a actress.

"No" I shook my head which made her sigh a little. A sigh of relief. "I just found someone for the front desk position"

"Oh really? Who?" She smiled.

"Well, since you didn't think Juliette would be capable or ready for it, I'm promoting her to manager" I looked at Juliette who snapped her head to Nora and took a step back.

"So you can have your old job back, isn't that great?" I faked a smile and so did she.

I figured firing her would be way too easy, I wanted to make her suffer a little and I wanted her close to me.

I couldn't prove she set my hotel on fire, not yet, so to prove that, I had to keep her close.

"We will discuss your contract tomorrow and since I don't have an office anymore - you can come to Lando's apartment"

Lando gave me the key to his apartment so I could sleep there. My sweet little baby.

"You already know where he lives, right?" I raised my eyebrow with a smile. "Right" she said before clenching her teeth against each other.

"Awesome" I said before turning to Juliette. "Congratulations on your promotion, you definitely deserve it and trust me, you are capable enough"

I waved to the both of them before walking away, leaving them alone.

It was time Juliette knew the truth, I already figured Nora blamed it on me and Juliette still treated me with respect, that says a lot about a person.

I was going back to Lando's apartment, U wanted to FaceTime him, I wanted to see his pretty face.

I planned on surprising him in Austria, even if it was for only one or two days. He deserved that, he definitely did.

@RaeDelvey: sometimes it's the little things 🧡

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@RaeDelvey: sometimes it's the little things 🧡

Liked by @MaxFewtrell, @ItsJuliette, @Charlottesine and 238.516 others.

@MaxFewtrell: how cute init?
@Charlottesine: I'm sorry about the HH. Call me if u need me babes ❤️
@ItsJuliette: you deserve it. ❤️
@user1: lol sorry but her hotel burned down and she post freaking roses?
@user2: hundreds of people lost their jobs and you post this??
@user3: leave Lando alone
> @user4: did he send her those?
> @user3: I don't care but she's a bitch

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