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"So you're actually serious about this guy?" My dad asked as we sat down in the restaurant.

Lando would join us later, after he was done with his interviews and whatnot.

"Yes dad, we are very serious about each other" I lied. He was maybe serious about me but I wasn't about him.

"Well, I'm actually quite impressed. Lando is a good choice"

Yes dad and it wasn't intentional at all.

I knew he was gonna think Lando is a great choice. Hilton Hotels were sponsoring Mclaren and Lando because my dad wanted more young people in his hotels.

And it definitely worked.

You could say a lot of things about Lando but he was definitely a brilliant businessman.
He knew how to connect to his fans and he always made time for his fans.

He was very cute with them.

"So" he cleared his throat while going over the menu. "I heard that you're doing a great job with the Monaco hotel"

I nodded. "I tried my best and it's fun to get to know the employees better"

A lie, I didn't care about them. At all.

"So I've heard. They really like you since you started dating Lando"

I nodded with a fake smile.

So they lied as well. They didn't like me, they liked Lando, but I should actually thank them because I could see that my dad was impressed.

"Your boyfriend has arrived" my dad said with a smile on his face. I turned around. Lando was still outside, taking a picture with someone, probably a fan.

For once he wasn't wearing a cap, his curls looked amazing.

He was wearing a white button up and as always, he let the two top buttons unbuttoned so you could see his chest and necklace a little.

He knew what he was doing.

Maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea to have a little more fun with him. He looked hot and I was horny.

And it would make him even fall harder.

He smiled as he walked in and before I even realized, my dad already got up to greet him.

"Good to see you Lando" my dad shook his hand. "Yes it's nice to finally properly meet you"

They already met for work but he probably never imagined that he would have dinner with him because he would be dating his daughter.

Married to his daughter.

"Hi baby" Lando said as he leaned closer, kissed my cheek and sat down next to me.

He squeezed my thigh a couple of times with a smile on his face. "You good?" He asked softly.

I nodded. I was amazing. My dad definitely saw how I matured a lot or at least pretended to.

His eyes were filled with proud as he looked at Lando and I.

"So Lando, we are excited to see your race tomorrow. Are you ready for it?" My dad asked.

It was the topic of conversation during the most part of the dinner. Lando was very passionately about his job and you could see how his eyes sparkled when he talked about it.

My dad wasn't lying, I was excited to watch the race with my dad.
I don't know why, but I felt proud when I saw him racing.

When my dad went to the restroom, Lando turned a little more to me.

"Your dad is pretty cool" he said. I nodded. "Sometimes yeah"

"You look beautiful by the way" he put his hand on mine and played with my fingers. "You look handsome as well"

And for the first time in a while, I wasn't lying.

He smirked a little. "Oh do I?"

"Well yes, I wouldn't mind if you unbuttoned a couple more buttons" I pointed at his shirt.

"Then you might be in luck tonight" he winked with that damn smirk on his face.

We slept next to each other for a couple of nights already but nothing happened, except for maybe a little cuddle session.

But that definitely was gonna change tonight, I was sure about that.

It was gonna be the final push he needed before he would give me his whole heart.

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