ACT 2 - five.

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Lando didn't move and I didn't either. We were both looking at Rae and she was looking straight at us.

She looked at the ground before raising her head again and walked up to us. The confidence this woman had was incredible.

But she was gonna kill me, she was gonna fire me here and now, she was gonna make me look like a peasant in front of Lando.

"Can I have a moment with Lando please?" She looked at me with a smile.

Okay - that was unexpected. She didn't seem mad, maybe she wasn't gonna fire me after all.

I nodded. "Bye Lando" I looked at Lando who smiled at me and nodded.

I walked in the hotel, my heart was beating so fast, I felt as if I could throw up any second now. Rhett was leaning against the front desk, he was probably disliking this as much as I did.

"Am I gonna get fired?" I asked as I walked behind the desk. "Nah" he said and turned around to face me.

"She probably gonna transfer you to Spain or Italy" he said with a chuckle, but he was right.

That would be even worse than firing me and I wouldn't see Lando again. I definitely felt nauseous now.

The minutes felt like hours. They were talking for a long time, way too long. I was just hoping Lando wouldn't fall for her lies again.

I absolutely despised her, not only for what she did to Lando, but also because she was so lucky and she didn't even realize it.

She was rich, she got these hotels gifted to her and could use daddy's money every time she needed it. She had someone as amazing as Lando falling in love with her.

She had no idea what real problems were. She probably didn't have a little worry on her mind.

She was so damn lucky.

15 minutes later she walked back in, she looked straight at me, she wasn't smiling but she also didn't look mad.

"Yo Rae, you maybe have time for a quickie?" Rhett smirked at her. She put her hand up, to make him shut up and looked at me. "Do you have a minute, Nora?"

I nodded and followed her into her office. This was it, I was gonna get fired or transferred and I don't know if I could blame her, I would probably do the same if I was her.

She sat down, put her hand over her face and sighed. She looked tired, probably from partying in every damn country.

"So Nora, I have to go to Spain for a week or more and I need someone to run this place" she looked at me. "And I was thinking about you"

Was this some kind of joke? She just caught me with her ex boyfriend and she was promoting me?

"Wait.." I frowned as I shook my head. "Me?"

She sighed. "Yes Nora, you are my best employee"

Where was the real Rae and what did she do to her? She completely changed.

"Look, you can always call me if you need something, if I don't pick up immediately then I'll call back as soon as possible, but don't be afraid to make decisions on your own" she said as she grabbed her laptop and put it in her bag.

She was leaving right now? She just arrived here and she had to go again?

"I-I don't know if I can do this, Rae" I stuttered.

"But I know you can"

She got up and grabbed the rest of her stuff. "But wait, what do I have to do?" I sounded so pathetic but I had no idea what she expected from me.

"Just do exactly what you're doing right now, call me if you notice that things aren't going well and I'll plan a meeting to discuss everything"

She leaned on the table and looked at me. Her makeup was done perfectly. "Nora, my dad never paid you enough for all your work here, but I already asked HR to send you a new contract, you'll received it in a couple of hours"

I nodded, not believing what just happened.

I thought she was gonna fire me, but she didn't. She did the opposite.

Her phone started ringing, she quickly picked it up. "Yeah I'm leaving now" she said to the person on the other side of the line and looked at me. "Call me if you need me, you can do this" she whispered to me as she walked out.

I was manager of the damn Monaco Hilton Hotel.

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