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I looked at Lando with a smile on my face. If there was one thing I was good at, then it was at making people fall in love with me. Flirt with them - trap them.

I was gonna do the same thing to him and I was gonna start now.

I walked after him on the balcony and stood next to him. "Pretty right?" I said as I looked in front of me. "One of the best views of Monaco"

"You? Yeah definitely" he smirked.

This was way too easy.

"You're not too bad yourself" I chuckled as I took a step closer. We were standing right next to each other, our arms brushed against each other.

He tilted his head a little, he probably didn't expect this. "Are you flirting with me Ms. Delvey?"

"It's Mrs. Norris" I nudged him softly.

He smiled as he looked ahead of him again. He definitely liked that.

"I think it's time that you see my place as well" he said as his hand brushed against my arm down to my hand. He wanted me to take his hand, but he was too shy to properly grab it.

He was being shy, that was a good sign. He didn't want to push me, even though he grabbed my hand just moments ago without hesitation.

"I would love to" I said as I held his hand. His smile got even bigger and I swear I could see a little blush on his face.

Like I said.. way too easy.

We walked through the hallway down to the reception again. Juliette and Nora were talking to each other at the front desk. Giggling and whispering like little kids.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you have work to do?" I snapped at them.

I felt a nudge to my side, it was Lando.

"But you guys can take a break, we're going to his place. I'll come back later" I faked a smile. In order to make Lando like me, I had to be nice to them as well.

"See you later" Lando said cheerfully as he looked at the both of them and they waved in response.

Only ten minutes later, we arrived at his place. A huge building and one of the most expensive ones.

Normally I would light a cigarette before walking in, but once again, in order to make Lando like me, I had to quit smoking.

Or at least when he saw it.

I was gonna be a good little girl when he was around.

He gave me a tour around his apartment, I had to admit that it was quite nice, but way too much helmets and other racing related stuff.

"It's cute" I smiled as we arrived at his kitchen.

Cute? Really?

"I have something else that's pretty cute" he said as he opened his suitcase and grabbed a stuffed koala out of it.

Did he seriously bring me a stuffed koala? I thought he was just messing with me.

He gave it to me and looked at me with a smile on his face.

I looked at it. It wasn't something expensive like I was used to getting. People showered me with gifts, expensive gifts. I never received a stuffed animal.

I was gonna make him buy me expensive things soon.

But for now, I had to pretend as if it was the best present I've ever got.

"That's the cutest thing someone ever did for me" I lied.

I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my body against him. "Thank you so much Lando" my cheek brushed against his.

I slowly backed off, but stayed close enough against his body. I looked at him just a little too long, just a little too seductive.

I put my teeth on my lower lip and looked up at him. "Thank you so much" I said again, this time with a soft voice.

He wasn't gonna kiss me, he probably thought it was way too soon, he probably didn't even like me that much but I could see that he was almost falling.

He just needed a little push.

I pressed my lips against his, softly, gently as if he was the first guy I kissed, as if I liked him.

He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me back, also very gently. His hand placement said everything to me. He didn't put it on my ass, not on my hips.

He put it on my cheek, to make it more intimate.

And that's when I knew for sure.

He was definitely falling for me.

Way. Too. Easy

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