"Jana, this is Maria Gonzalez." Mapi pointed to Maria and that was the first time that I noticed the young defender standing there awkwardly behind Alexia. While Mapi and Leila didn't care about the company, Jana did but yet again the two were oblivious.

"She's the reason these two stubborn souls finally got together. Maria, this is Jana. The royal baby." Mapi introduced the two of them to each other, both laughing at the introduction but most of all Maria looked intrigued.

"So I do have a grandchild and you didn't tell me?!" She looked at me accusingly, causing the others including Ale to laugh.

"Oh my God," I rolled my eyes but focused back on my three best friends standing in my living room uninvited and placed down the tray that I was still holding. "What are you three doing here?"

"We're hungry." Leila shrugged and plopped down next to Maria. The older lady took a hold of the tray and held it out to the three women so they could grab a snack.

"So? You two are grown ups, you have a functioning kitchen yourself and I know because I have used it." I said in a duh tone, not accepting their excuse.

"But you're better at it." Mapi tried to reason with me.

"And we're lazy." Leila piped in while stuffing her face full with the little appetizers that I had made.

"No." I crossed my arms over my chest, keeping the stern look on my face. Alexia came closer and soon I could feel her calming present next to me. This night was supposed to be flawless, I was supposed to impress Maria.

"Come on, Ellie. Please? They really suck at it." Soon Jana came into my vision, pleading for her to join. She stood there with a pout on her lips, looking all cute and innocent. How could I say no to that?

"You can stay." I sighed out, caving almost immediately. This caused the other two to jump up in protest.

"What?! What about us?" Mapi threw her hands in the air, completely in shock and Leila followed the blonde's actions, jumping up as well, almost choking on her snack in the process. "Yeah! We're your best friends!"

For a second I stared both of them down, squinting my eyes a little bit, doing my best not to cave like I had with Jana only mere seconds ago. The two were standing there, their shocked expressions turned into innocent smiles or at least that was the goal.

"Fine." I grumbled, turning around to go to the kitchen. "I'll get the extra plates." I mumbled under my breath.

'Nice hickey." Leila poked my neck with a smirk while I passed her. I immediately swatted her hand away, glaring at the defender.

"Shut up." I hissed and covered said spot with my hand. The others broke out in laughter, finding the situation incredibly funny.

"Right! I pointed that out too." Maria joined the laughter and gently pushed Leila's shoulder.

"Seems you two were busy." Mapi stuffed yet again another snack in her mouth and wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at them and proceeded my way to the kitchen.

Everyone was laughing, except for one young brunette. "Ew! I don't need that image in my head." Jana gagged, grossed out about the thought of Alexia and mine previous activities.

I ignored it all and went to grab the extra plates and set the table. Once done, I invited everyone to come to the table. Jana rushed over, pushing Leila back on the couch and took a seat next to me while Alexia helped me get the food out.

"So, Miss Maria, you are the reason Ellie and Ale are together?" Jana suddenly asked, causing everyone to look at the young girl, including me. Of course she had to ask.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now