Chapter twenty-six

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Pollie Ashford's POV

"Now, be honest Romeo. How is living with trouble, aka the she-devil going?" Reed asked as I folded my arms, shaking my head and smiling.

I was sat beside Romeo as Micah sat on my right. We'd been at the restaurant about twenty minutes and in that time, we had already been waited on hand and foot.

The starters had already been served and unexpectedly, they were nothing short of five stars.

My family had shot question after question at Romeo, and whilst I felt bad for him, I couldn't but help admire the charming ways in which he responded.

"So far, I've found no faults in her." I felt Romeo staring at the side of my face before I turned to look at him. "And I don't think I ever will." A hand slivered it's way onto my knee as I practically gushed and fell apart at his words.

With his hand under the table I put mine over his and gently caressed it. "Oh so you haven't seen any of her weird habits yet then?" Micah piped up as I saw mom watching me.

I tired to send her a falsely convincing smile but I'm pretty sure she just saw right through it.

"Such as?" Romeo replied to my brother, snapping me back into what potential humiliation Micah was about to make of me.

"Like how she talks to her stuffed animal Sal when she feels lonely. Hah, I bet that's still everyday right sis?" I jabbed my elbow at my idiot brother, removing my hand from Romeo but in return, his grip only tightened.

"Shut up, freakface. Remind me, when was it you last pissed the bed?" I turned into that stereotypical older bitch sister and began bickering with Micah.

"Alright, tone it down before I bash your heads together." Mom ordered as we both sulked. Some things never change. "I apologise on their behalf Romeo, theyre both little shits when you get them together."

Rome laughed as I glared at him.

I shouldn't have done that.

His hand jumped straight up to the gap of my upper thighs, slivering to the underneath of my dress. I jerked at the contact but pathetically played it off as adjusting the straps of my dress. Reed pulled a face at me, calling me a weirdo as I proceeded to grab my jacket from the back of the chair and lay it over my lap.

Soon enough, the main course was served and Romeo was forced to remove his hand. Hah.

"Are you close with your family?" Mom asked Romeo as she reached for her glass of red.

He swallowed his food, his adams apple bobbing as he did so. "Very. I see them quite often since we're all involved in the family business."

Mom nodded as a thought crossed my mind. "Rome." I placed my hand on his forearm to get his attention, leaving it there but not thinking of how it might look to everyone else. Romeo also spotted it, but he just smirked in amusement at my fluster. "Erm..." What was I saying? "Right. Are you seeing your family on thanksgiving?" I didn't even think of that, I don't know how but I just got caught up in the naive idea that Romeo would be spending thanksgiving with us. Jeez, I really am in deep.

But to my slight relief, he shook his head. "They're flying back to Italy to see my grandmother. She's going through a tough spot right now." My relief was tainted with guilt straight away.

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