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Hi humans!

Dorothy here, don't mind me, I'm just creating yet another story. I don't know what's going on with me, I get to a certain point then I just kinda lose a creative flow in my books.

I know I'm no big time author or anything, but I think stepping away from my other stories for a while will give me chance to eventually come back of them with a fresh mindset and better ideas. - not that you asked tehe.

Anywho, I'd been reading a lot of mafia books lately and thought, you know what, I'm gonna give it a go because why the hell not?

I love this platform of creative people and love all the interactions everyone has with each other, and I just wanted to say that I hope one day I can achieve that and create a little community of my own with you guys ❤️

Anyway, enough about me - sad I know - and on with the story info....


• Mild violence
• Swearing
• Workplace bullying
• Harassment
• Mental health issues - tbd
• Injustices
• Dare I say the forbidden word.....smut?

This book has the same disclaimer for what I stand by.

• There will be far fetched topics because you know, who doesn't like a bit of escapism in the form of shitty books???

• Differing opinions. I like to regard myself for having a high moral compass but if I write something that may not coincide with your beliefs, I apologise but please understand we all have different thoughts and opinions. :)

• The characters are not a reflection on every single one of my political views, they are simply fiction and are flawed as we all are.

• Please expect there to be at least a few grammatical errors, I'm no professional this is all just a bit of fun. - Peace and love dude.

Anyway, that was that so on with the characters......

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