Chapter twenty-one

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Pollie Ashford's POV

"Pizzas here and so is the cavalry!" Enzos voice reverberated throughout the penthouse as I looked to Romeo in confusion. He shrugged in response as we both made our way to the living room.

It had been a couple hours since my phone call to my family, and I was definitely feeling lighter with the truth being out in the open. But I still couldn't get over Romeos plan to have my family over for thanksgiving. It was sweet and beyond amazing, but now I'm worrying if I'm gonna have to cook the damn meal?

But on another matter, since Romeo had a minor meltdown earlier and I sat with him, he's practically been following my every footsteps. It's like he wants to see me at every minute, and it's not in the weird sense, it's more of the case that I think we just vibe off each others energy.

Like we both make each other feel comfortable....feel safe.

"And why would we be wanting your cavalry?" Romeo asked his brother, taking a pizza box out his hand whilst I took a seat on one of the couches. He watched where I sat and came to sit beside me. Like I knew he would.

Enzo, Miguel and Zero all followed suit, dressed in casual attire as they took up the remaining spaces on the other couches. These guys were literally massive......

"We just thought you could do with a chill night. Get your mind off things." Zero answered, reaching for the remote and turning on Netflix.

"That and also I wanted to see my Pollie again." Migeul shot me a wink as I blew him a kiss and laughed.

We tucked into the pizzas as the guys argued over what to watch, and I busied myself by texting Kehlani.

I was hyping her up for a date she had tonight with some guy named Blake, but that girl needed no reassurance, she was a walking ball of infectious sunshine and I was proud to call her my friend.

"Who you texting?" Romeo quietly asked me as I tucked my phone away.

"Just Lani." I watched him stretch, his compression shirt raising slightly as his arms reached upwards. Sheesh. "Are you ok?" I mused, just checking in with him.

He nodded and I smiled before getting up to take the rubbish and to get changed into my pjs. "You better have found something to watch by the time I get back or we're putting Clueless on."

Guess what?

We put on Clueless.

Twenty or so minutes into the film, I got cold and reached for a throw blanket behind me. Looking at Romeo then all the others, I chuckled to myself as they were all fully engrossed in the film.

But then Romeo poked at my side once he'd spotted me grinning to myself. I thought he was about to ask why I was smiling but he didn't. Instead, he tugged the blanket and laid it across the both of us, so that our waists were covered.

Initially what I thought was a sweet gesture was soon mistaken as his hand crept under the blanket and made its way to my thigh. I looked at him with a knowing expression but he simply kept his head pointed towards the flatscreen.

His fingers were dancing along the bare skin below my pj shorts but slowly trailed upwards as they began playing with the hem of the material.

𝐕𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭 |𝟏𝟖+|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora