Chapter four

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Sorry if this chapter is rubbish, my mind has kinda been elsewhere lately ❤️

Pollie Ashford's POV

A week had gone by since that night at the bar and I found myself slowly gravitating towards a real life adulthood routine. I'd wake up in the morning, get ready, go buy coffee and breakfast, go to work, go home, make dinner, go to bed.

But as sad as it sounds written down, I wasn't bored by any means. If anything I was grateful for the chance of stability in my life.

I've been making good progress at work which made me happy as everyone seems to like me. Well everyone except that Terrance guy.

I'm not sure what exactly it was that I did for him to dislike me, but he certainly likes to go out of his way to show his inner hatred towards me.

I wouldn't mind so much but he does it when no one's around, always making snide comments when someone's praised me or just generally being an asshole.

But I'm hoping to forget about all that after work because me and Kehlani are going clubbing. She managed to coax me out of my shell and practically bribed me by promising to pay for the first two drinks. I was sold.

It was nearing five o'clock when a concerned looking red head in the form of Carly came and hovered in front of my desk.

"Hey Carls, is everything ok?" My stomach dropped when she looked at me. The poor woman looked like she was gonna throw up.

"I'm ok thank you hun. But I just came to grab you because boss has requested your presence in his office." Carly looked almost guilty once she told me. It's the same with everyone in the office, they're all super nervy whenever Mr Lianni is mentioned and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Sure he's a grumpy and rude asshole but to me he's simply just that. Nothing to be afraid of, surely?

"Did he say why he needs me?" I was genuinely interested because I'd come to understand that Carly was the only one who was in daily contact with bossman, always ferrying around when he needed something doing. Like I said - asshole.

"No hun, he simply said to fetch Miss Ashford so I did just that." Could he not have done that himself? Especially when Carly has jobs of her own to be doing?

"Ok, thank you Carls." I got up out of my chair, stretched, then began walking down the glass hallway towards the dark steel staircase.

I got to the top and heard muffled voices coming from the other side. Not wanting to be rude, I knocked three times before the talking stopped and I was called in.

Four faces looked over to me the moment I stepped over the threshold. Three of them were familiar being owed to the fact that it was Romeo and his friends, but the fourth I did not recognise.

"Pollie!" To my surprise, Miguel ran at me and wrapped me in a hug that knocked me off balance.

"Dude! Get off her before you crush the poor girl." Flustered, I stumbled backwards, flattening out my clothes - black skirt and shirt with translucent black tights with matching black heels. Get the memo?

"Hello to you too Miguel." I smiled at the giant whilst giving him a look in which he returned with an air kiss.

"And where did you find this gem of a woman mi fratello?" The stranger did a quick scan of my figure before smirking at Romeo. He had similar features to bossman making me think maybe they're related, but his whole demeanour was more energetic and lively compared to the stone statue of a man perched on the edge of his desk.

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