Chapter seventeen

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Pollie Ashford's POV

I had no reason to be feeling the way I felt right now.

But seeing some girl with her hands all over Romeo made me feel all kinda things. I felt sick, I felt upset, but most of all.....I felt jealous. But what irked me the most was that fact that I had no freakin right to be.

"Poll doll? What's up?" I realised I was frozen to the spot we'd just walked out from. The guys mirrored my movements before their eyes followed to where I was staring. "Oh."

The girl who was feeling up his biceps had beautiful blonde hair, sorta like Rapunzel. She had a surreally attractive figure with curves in all the right places and her smile was no less than perfect. Correction, she was no less than perfect.

But then the devil himself must've felt my gaze. Romeo turned around, locked onto my eyes and silently beckoned me over.

"Are you ok Poll?" Zero whispered in my ear.

"Uh huh." I said with a forced smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Zero sucked in a breath as they both clenched my arms in comfort. I felt like I had my own body guards in the form of lovable teddy bears.

We got closer and closer to the group he was surrounded by and my stomach continued to do somersaults. This'll be the part where he announces that this angel of a woman is his secret girlfriend and that I actually kissed her boyfriend multiple times and then everyone will call me a home wrecker proceeding to result in my professional reputation being shattered forever.

"Hellooo?" Someone said in a sing song voice as my body was nudged by Zero and Miguel. Shit, I completely just zoned out.

The source of the voice was an older woman clad in pearl earrings, a matching necklace and not to mention being fully decked out in designer clothing.

"Right. Hi, I'm Pollie. And you are?" I kept my eyes off of Romeo, though I could sense him trying to make contact with me.

"Talissa Tolkien my dear. And this is my wife Crsyta and our daughter Noelle." She motioned to the younger blonde girl who was touching Romeo.

"Well it's lovely to meet you all." Despite the conflicting emotions I felt burning inside me, I remained calm and indifferent in my tone. I hate being at war with my mind, it's like I feel one thing but know I shouldn't think that way.

"Same to you Pollie. So tell me, how's it going working for Mr Lianni? Is he as much of a scary giant as everyone's makes him out to be?"

By the way the older women were looking at him and teasing mr bossman, I assumed that they must go way back. But all my stupid brain wanted to know was what the status was between him and this Noelle girl.

"Its good. He's a good boss. Working for him is good." I stumbled awkwardly over my words as I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. What is wrong with me?

I gathered the courage to look at Romeo but of course, his eyes found me first. But so did Noelles. Looking me in the eye, she watched for my reaction as she laid her hand on Romeos bicep again.

A twangs of unease erupted within me and I found myself wanting to find the nearest exit.

Zero and Miguel were talking with the women as I tried to not be phased by the situation unfolding in front of me. But my attempts were shattered when Romeo began smirking at my not so subtle look of distaste that I desperately tried to hide.

I hated this jealous feeling within me. This wasn't like me and I resent that he makes me feel like this.

So I politely excused myself from the conversation, untangled myself from Zero and Miguel's arms and slowly walked off to find a distraction.

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