Chapter one

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I'm literally so into writing this I can't even....!

Pollie Ashford POV

Move away from home? Check. Secure an apartment, no matter how shitty it is? Check. Find a job? Check. Shit, I'm good at this game.

But what I'm not good at - yet at least - is freakin directions. Call me dumb but I've never been good with coordination, all it takes is one turn of a corner and bam, I'm lost.

I moved to New York three three days ago from my hometown somewhere in the depths of the North Carolina. I was born in the countryside but my spirit always was drawn to city life and boy didn't my momma know it.

She travelled up here with me to help me get settled and whilst she was happy that my life was finally moving forward, the apprehension of my living situation wasn't hidden from her face.

I managed to score a bargain studio apartment that's a twenty one minute walk away from my workplace. How do I know that? Well if I said my mom didn't walk with me and made me time the route, I would be lying.

She left to go back to the family yesterday, we shed bucketloads of tears but in the end, once it had sunk in that I was finally in the city of dreams, I felt content with the world.

But I don't feel friggin content right now. I'm seriously contemplating my life choices as I yell at my phone for the godforsaken confusing google maps directions. "What do you mean turn right?!" Yes it's first day at work but why the hell did I choose to wear these heels, I haven't even bedded them in yet.

I opted for a classy casual business attire in a white trousered jumpsuit with an elegant neckline. Not too dressy but not too casual. From the images on the firms website, it's a very posh looking building.

I got a job in accounting at a place called 'Lianni and Sons', and whilst I find that name rather sexist and outdated, I somehow managed to bag the placement with immediate effect.

I graduated from college a few months ago as a business and accounts major. It's my dream to become a boss ass business bitch with multiple companies under my name one day. What can I say, I'm a high achiever.

Whilst I don't deem myself as arrogant, I'm certainly self assured when it comes to knowing I'm a bit of a smart cookie. I mean, I didn't get top grades for being dumb now did I?

But no, all of that doesn't cancel out the fact that I'm totally shitting bricks at how nervous I am right now. Like, I could totally vomit if someone asked me how I was feeling in this very moment.

"Hey, sorry miss, but do you have any change to spare?" It took a millisecond to find the voice of a homeless man on the side of the sidewalk sat on nothing but a cardboard bed.

I checked my shoulder bag, rummaging through the pockets not finding one dime. "I'm so sorry sir, I have nothing on me right now." I hope he doesn't think I'm lying, I literally only have my credit card on me.

"No worries miss. I was just hoping to save for some food that's all." Well shit, I feel even worse now.

"Umm. Well, will you be here later?" Fuck me, that was so insensitive. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

The man laughs. "It's quite ok miss, no offence taken. But yes, if I don't get moved on that is."

Feeling bad I give him a sheepish smile. "Well I gotta go right now, it's my first day but I'll be back later!" I meant every word.

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