Chapter three

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Hello lovely humans ❤️

Happy Monday, hope you enjoy this update ❤️

Pollie Ashford's POV

The rest of the week went by pretty smoothly. I hadn't seen bossman anymore since how do I put it? Moment? Altercation?

It's a good thing really, I don't know how much more trouble I could've or would've gotten myself into if I was to be in his proximity again.

Earlier today, some of my coworkers including Kehlani and Jonah invited me out for what they called the 'ritual Friday night drink sesh.' Deciding it was a good bonding opportunity, I agreed despite feeling utterly exhausted from my first week working and living in a completely new city.

We agreed to meet up at 19:30 since everyone had some sort of responsibilities to tend to, so that gave me time to hop in the shower and freshen up.

Rummaging through my clothes, I picked out a cute black skin tight dress with a sweetheart neckline that shows off just enough of my chest to leave the rest to the imagination. I paired it with some plain lace up heels before blow drying my hair and adding a little bit of makeup.

Spritzing myself in perfume and doing a last check in the mirror, it was soon time to call an Uber.

Kehlani texted me over the address of the bar we were all meeting at, and surprisingly enough it was apparently part of the Lianni chain. It did surprise me that the firm owned a bar but then again, I guess that's business for you.

Getting the notification through that my ride was here, I walked outside and told the driver where I needed to go.

The drive was longer than I anticipated but I put it down to city traffic and it being a Friday night. Eventually, I got to my destination and was met with a sleek looking bar with white neon lettering reading Lianni's on the buildings glass front.

Even though I was quite obviously at the right bar, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I hate walking into a room full of people, I may appear super confident but I often use that as a facade.

I got closer and closer to the bars entrance, stepping past the security who looked me up and down before entering the stupendously luxurious space.

Dim light hanging from multiple levels twinkled above me from the high concrete ceilings. Mirrors, plants and velvet couches of differing shades added depth and comfort to the bar that looked just like a 1920's speakeasy.

But after I soaked in the initial superiority of it all, my eyes darted wildly around the room looking for a group of familiar faces that just weren't there.

What's the time? 19:35. Ok, well I'm not early...

I took anxiously wide steps towards the bar, this place was massive so maybe they were in another room?

"Can I help you la signorina? You seem a little lost." A waiter with a black bow tie and a thick Italian accent approached me as I tired to focus my attention onto him.

"Erm-" Out of pure nerves, my eyes continued to scan the room, hoping to god to spot someone I knew. And I did. It was just the last person I expected to see tonight.

𝐕𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭 |𝟏𝟖+|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें