Chapter fifteen

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Pollie Ashford's POV

Five on the dot and I was ready to get outta there.

I had been restless from the first moment Romeo Lianni had laid his hands on me so it was safe to say I was in dire need of some fresh air.

Knowing full well he'd be expecting me to ride home with him, I however decided otherwise and that was to walk back to his Penthouse. Yes I'd have to be kinda sneaky about it since he doesn't like not getting his own way, but I needed a walk just to clear my mind if nothing else.

I gathered my belongings, threw my coat on and quietly retreated from my office. "Someone's on the ball today." Carly called out from her office.

"It's been a looong day." I smiled, waved and continued my mission.

I got all the way outside of the building before I felt a buzzing coming from my phone. Taking it out of my pocket whilst still walking, I answered it from already knowing who the caller was.

"Stella where are you?" I smiled to myself as I crossed the street.

"Now that would be telling." I decided to tease him a little, it's not like he can just apparate to right in front of me. Who is he, Harry Potter?

I heard him release a breath into the speaker. "You better still be inside the building." Knowing the risk of someone mugging me I did it anyway. I stretched my arm up in the air so that the sound of a taxi honking could be heard over the phone.

I put it back to my ear in time to hear him reply. "For fucks sake." I giggled to myself. "Text me your exact location and do not move."

"Actually....I don't think I will." My grin widened even more as I continued my trek throughout the city. "Did you want me to get you anything whilst I'm out?" I knew I was aggravating him but why stop when it's just so fun?

"What I want is for you to stop acting stupid." Woah there buddy, now that is a tone I didn't like.

"Ok, so just the tweezers to remove the stick up your ass hey?" I hung up and stomped onwards with purpose. To anyone else I might've looked crazy but I didn't care what they thought of me. All I cared now was walking to the nearest cafe, and buying myself the biggest cookie I could find. Damn him and his inability to joke around.

At the end of the day, he has no right to control where I go and has downright got no power to make me listen to him and his stupid demands. He may be one attractive asshole that I kissed hours before but I'm still me and I still have my own mind.

But after twenty minutes of further walking, the sky was darkening and my surroundings were becoming more and more unfamiliar. And to top it off, I couldn't spare any money for that cookie I was craving.

"For heavens sake." I muttered to myself as I kicked a metal beer lid. As I kicked it, I felt bad that for spotting rubbish on the sidewalk and not doing anything about it. So being my animal caring self, I stupidly crouched down and picked it up, however I forgot that I was in the middle of a sidewalk and got knocked forward, scraping my knees against the concrete. I hissed in pain as I felt the skin of my knees graze over. My collider was already gone so to prevent further embarrassment, I heaved myself up and hobbled forward.

My knees were stinging, my mood was spiralling, I was lost in the city and my ego was bruised. I just wanted to cry because I knew I was gonna have to call someone.

I would've looked it up on my maps app but that would only be helpful if I had the address. You silly, silly bitch.

I couldn't call Kehlani, because I knew she didn't drive.

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