Chapter six

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Pollie Ashford's POV

My head feels like I've just been hit with three very large gong bells before being transformed into a vampire. "The light! It burns!" Feeling sluggish, I heaved myself up to close the blinds that I stupidly forgot to shut when I got home at some point last night.

Wait a damn second, last night...

It all hit me at once. Dancing with Lani, the drinks, the creep who touched me.... and him. I remember how Romeo came out of nowhere, how he told me to get behind him, oh god, how he punched that bartender perv. Then there's the fact of him taking me to his car, shit, I don't even remember getting home last night.

Panic reverberated through me as I looked down my body. Thank fuck, I was still wearing last nights clothes, the only thing missing was my shoes. Perhaps I kicked them off?

It was really bugging me that I had no recollection of getting home last night, I've never been that stupid. I'm assuming Romeo definitely brought me back but then again, I definitely didn't give him my address nor my keys. And fuck, why was he even at the club solo?

The information being too much for my current state to handle without a caffeinated aid, I slumped over to the kitchen and made myself a coffee.

But it was when I set my mug on the kitchen counter I noticed a small piece of paper with writing scribbled down on it. "Call me to confirm." The hell does that mean? A number followed after the order as things began to fall into place.

I think it's safe to say that Romeo definitely got me home last night, how I don't know but that's a question I won't be forgetting to ask in a hurry.

After my coffee I hopped in the shower, leaving my hair to air dry and slipping on a pair of comfy black joggers and an oversized teal hoodie.

I couldn't stop thinking of how I feel like I should be concerned about the naivety of not being conscious when a practical stranger brought me home, but the overriding assurance that it was him, equally cancelled out any negative thoughts I was having.

Grabbing my phone from the side I decided to say fuck it. Acting on a newfound adrenaline, I typed in the digits from the piece of paper and waited for the phone to ring. Though I didn't have to wait long as he picked it up on the first ring.

"Sí?" His husky voice had me backtracking and freakin out. It's too early in the morning for this, why the hell did I think it was a good idea?! So I did what any rational person would do and hung up the phone.

I slammed it down on my mattress as I sat cross legged on my bed. To make matters worse, I'd started my period today so my cramps were killing me.

I jumped as my phone vibrated on the sheets. Unknown number.

I let it ring three or four times before hesitantly picking it up again. "Hello?"

"Stella? Why the hell did you hang up on me?" In my minds eye, I had a crystal clear envision of his frown as he spoke.

"I had my reasons." Yeah, like how you speaking one word had me feeling weak at the knees. And damn, I'm not even standing up!

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