the one with the mischief night

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chapter ninety-nine

chapter ninety-nine

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There are a lot of people in the world who would find it so hard to change out of their daily lifestyle. Human beings really loved to autopilot themselves into their comfort zone.

However, when you are a nearly immortal supernatural, you have to force yourself with the changing times.

Like they way, Elyna Benston had to learn how to work in the newly opened radio broadcasting company around 1910. She was so confused with all the buttons and wires. Then when the World War I had begun, she worked in the frontlines, as a nurse. She had to know how the vacuum cleaners worked, how the penicillin vaccine work, how the Walkman worked.

All the immortal supernatural beings had to constantly keep up with the changing lifestyle, so that they can live among humans, undetected.

And Elyna thought that she was super at that.

Until when she had change her lifestyle and now adapt again whilst living in the same place, seeing the same people every single day yet act completely alien to them.

Earlier, Elyna would be always picked up by Stiles to the school and the first thing that they would do is go by the football field and sit on the bleachers and talk until the rest of the Pack came.
They would all gossip and have fun pulling harmless jokes and catch up with everything supernatural in Beacon Hills until the school bell rang.

But, now things are different.
However, not entirely.
The Pack still meet up by the bleachers until the school bell rang, but Elyna wasn’t there anymore. On the top of that, with no supernatural incidents happening in the recent days, they didn’t even feel the need to meet up anymore.

What was left unsaid that without Elyna, the Pack didn’t have anything fun to do.

It was a daily thing now a days for Elyna to come to school, the earliest.
She thought that it was better for her to get out of her depressing and dull apartment before she can get tangled in the spiral of her own destructive thoughts.

She would sit down at the corner of the place in the school which she found most soothing and comfortable- between the last shelves of the upper floor of the library and do her work.
She would either research more and more about how to help Stiles or she would vent her suffocating emotions through her drawings and scribbles.

And when the school would be nearly starting, she would go and sit at the back of her class and probably go to sleep or something.
She would keep her hoods always up and if she shared the class with any member of the Pack, she would keep her attention on them, hoping to hear something.

But for the past few days, all that the Pack  as well as the whole school was discussing was about the mischief night.

Elyna earlier, used to love mischief night.

She and her brother would sneak into each other’s rooms when the other was not there and set traps and tricks. Anyone who fell into the trap, had to pay up a huge amount to the other and also do their laundries for a month.
And neither Benston wanted to loose to the other.

She had had patiently waited for mischief night, even during the beginning of the year, for she had heard that Stiles was amazing at setting the most innovative traps which would be ridiculously difficult to detect.

She had taken that up as a challenge and she had bet Stiles that he would the first one to fall for her prank and not the other way round. And Stiles had accepted that challenge.

But, it seemed that there would be no such challenge between them at the mischief night.

Elyna glanced at the back of the head of her ex-boyfriend and sighed softly, a tugging feeling at her heart.

She missed him terribly.

Did he miss her even for a bit?

Did he miss her even for a bit?

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a short filler chapter.
but if you had watched the series, you would know that it's mischief night.
and what happens in the mischief night?
and who comes during this period?



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