the one with the truth and dare

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chapter ninety

chapter ninety

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Elyna Benston was almost done with her shift for the day. She was cleaning up while Peaches was pulling down the blinds of the windows. The boys were out for a smoke and would do their portions of work when they come back and close the shop. It was George’s family reunion day, so the shop closed down just at noon.

Elyna was more than delighted. She was terribly upset and disturbed from the problems going on with her brother and she was not sleeping for properly for the last few days. She desperately needed a release and hoped that she would go home and paint and paint in her basement until she had exhausted herself to sleep.

However she was happy that no one was able to notice the problems. Elyna always made sure to present herself in front of her friends exactly the way she normally is so that no one noticed that something was wrong with her. She also took extra care to hide the bags under her skin.
Well, Stiles knew that she and Aldrich were having problems but she had made him swear to not tell this to anyone- not even Scott. And till now, he hadn’t told anyone, anything.

She knew where he was; she could easily go to him and beg until he decided to listen to her and come back home, but she wouldn’t do that, for two reasons.
One, Aldrich left, wanting space from her, and she was going to give it to him.
Two, she didn’t feel like she was wrong for choosing Stiles. So she told herself again and again that she wouldn’t be apologising for loving someone.

Elyna was trudged out of the bathroom changed out of her work clothes, when her phone vibrated in her jeans pocket.


Justice League Advance.
Tonight- 7pm

And that is how she found herself in Lydia’s home, sitting in one of the guest rooms. She was sitting on the floor, her back against the foot of one of the arm chairs while she stared the glow in the dark stickers in the ceiling.
It was not as luminous as it was supposed to be, and Elyna knew that those stickers were stuck there since a long time.

This room used to be Lydia’s playroom but when she grew too old to be playing with toys and dolls, it was renovated into a guest room.

Lydia and Allison were checking out Lydia’s latest fall collection wardrobe. Lydia kept on stuffing the items of clothing she didn’t need into bags, so that Allison could take them with her when she it was time for her to go home.

Lydia and Allison were of the same size, so whenever a dress or a top became too old and too last season for her, she gave them to Allison and every single charms bracelet or pendants were for Elyna.

“Hey, Elyna.” Allison looked over her shoulder to see the Siren-Human, who still stared up at the stars on the ceiling.

“Hmm?” she didn’t look at Allison, which the Hunter found very weird because Elyna always gave hundred percent of her attention whenever someone talked to her.

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