the one where she doesn't like Star Wars

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It was as if Stiles Stilinski had decided to latch himself on Elyna, sitting beside her in every class they shared and changing her lab partner, so that he could be near her.
It was terrible for her to be near him and not think of completely draining him of blood.

Even if she was a part Siren, her blood lust was manifested to like three times than a normal Vampire.

All Elyna could hear was the pumping of his blood under his skin which made it really difficult for her to control herself.

Elyna drew in her sketchbook in almost every class. Drawing always made her get a grip on herself and so far, it was doing its job wonderfully, but she wondered how she was going to survive for the rest of the year like this.

She didn't want to do something bad, she thought as she emptied her third Capri Sun tetra pack.
It was the break and the half Siren listened to the news on the radio while her fingers highlighted the London skyline, her drawing almost finished.

"Another man, named Greyson Brown, was murdered last night, making it the third murder in a week. Sheriff Stilinski is on the case and his about to make an official statement today-"

Elyna stopped the radio, but didn't unplug her earphones.
One of the latest inventions that Elyna loved, was the invention of earphones. It's a boon to the introverts like her.

She'd seen that if someone keeps earphones plugged in, into their ears, then people tend to leave them alone, thinking that they are listening to music and are busy. In reality, the person might not be listening to any music. Earphones just saved them from the pain of getting into a conversation.

Suddenly she smelt the familiar, exotic scent. Followed by the mixed scent of a wet dog and slightly heavy aftershave.
Elyna had smelt the same scent in her English, Chemistry, Physics and Economics classes.

One of the first lessons that Aldric had taught her when she stepped into her near immortal life with him, was how to recognize different supernatural beings by their scent.

Now, she could recognise the werewolf as an Omega.
Elyna was surprised. In a place where the werewolf hunters are murdering werewolves left and right, the Omegas are the easiest preys. It was a surprise that this omega is still alive.

Elyna could hear scuffling of two pairs of feet towards her direction and harsh whispers.
Scott wanted to know from Elyna herself what she was and whether or not she meant any harm to anybody. However, he wanted Stiles to talk to her, while he checked her heart rate but Stiles wouldn't agree to it.

Suddenly Scott popped his head in front of Elyna. The brunette gasped slightly, her eyes wide.

"Hey, Elyna right? I'm Scott McCall," he offered his hand to her, "We have same English, Chemistry, Physics and Economics classes."

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