the one with the failed attempt to stop the darach

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"You .....can't just ask me to interrogate every single school staff, you know?" Aldrich grunted as he pressed the buttons on the PlayStation remote harder, trying to focus on the game.

"No, no. I don't think you are getting it." Elyna wasn't even trying to win against Aldrich. She wanted him to win. She just needed him to hear her out.

The Benston siblings always had at least one game night per week. It was their tradition, the one they always follow.
Before the invention of PlayStation, it was poker or some newly launched board game. It was just some fun competition, with money exchanging hands and lots of blood bags for them.

Normally Elyna would be very competitive to win more money, but tonight she has some other plans.

She has not told Aldrich about the incident in Motel California and she had intended to keep it that way. She didn't want her brother to worry about her when he's already stressed about managing the Darach and Alpha Pack problem in both natural and supernatural fronts.

Besides, she's okay. Everyone's okay.

So Aldrich doesn't need to know that her sister was seconds away from blowing her head off. He didn't need to know that she had hallucinated him giving her the gun to kill herself. Aldrich didn't need to know that Elyna had heard the talk coming from his mouth that had pushed her to finally believe that she was better off dying.

"The wolfsbane and Arrow arum powder was in Coach's whistle, which means that it had to be someone who could have had easy access to it. Any teacher or any other staff. Someone who knew that everyone of the Pack was going to the cross country meet. Tell me that I'm wrong." Elyna said.

Knowing that Elyna wouldn't pay attention to the game and that their game night has been ruined, Aldrich let out an irritated sigh, paused the game and tossed his consoler away.

He leaned back on the sofa, watching his sister look at her with expecting eyes.

This might be the fatal flaw of Elyna- she cared about people more than she lets on to.
She had initially promised that she would severe ties from the McCall pack and the Hale pack as soon the Kanima case was solved, but when it finally happened, Elyna started to be more close with Scott and Stiles.

Especially Stiles.

And now, Elyna has found herself in yet another supernatural case.

"I think, you should find out who suggested the motel to Finstock at the first place. The person who had, must have known how much negative energy that motel gave off and they knew that the werewolves would be already mentally weakened by the time you all reached the motel." Aldrich explained while Elyna nodded with her eyes wide with realisation.

"Can I enchant Coach and then ask him?"

"You will not use your powers on human. You promised me, Muffin." Aldrich's voice was stern.

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