the one with the white eyes

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[Trigger Warning: Excessive blood and gore]

sixty-six[Trigger Warning: Excessive blood and gore]

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Stiles is dead.

Elyna Benston let out a scream, falling down on the floor with Stiles’ body in her arms.

Stiles was dead.

The side of neck was almost mangled. His body was cold; as cold as she was.

Stiles was dead.

Blood rushed out of his open wounds and tainted his shirt and the ground.

Stiles was dead.

His chest laid still, no flickers of life in him.

Stiles was dead.

Elyna couldn’t stop screaming. She felt like her heart was going to burst open, as she held onto his body. Tears messed up her vision.

Suddenly whiskey eyes snapped open making Elyna gasp and scoot away in fear. Stiles’ eyes were lifeless yet they were open. His head slowly turned to Elyna.

“Why....why did you kill me? I-I loved you s-so much...”

A cold frost coated Elyna’s bones, making her heart halt.

She immediately stood up, murmuring no under her breath. She didn’t kill Stiles. She couldn’t have..

Suddenly her attention fell on her blood soaked shirt. Blood tainted all of the front of her shirt and her palms.
Stiles’ blood.

Elyna gasped, terror seizing her heart and vigorously wiped her hands on her shirt, but they weren’t going.

The brunette couldn’t breath, the walls closing in on her, she stop crying, looking at Stiles’ lifeless eyes staring at her, a pool of blood around his body.

“You are a monster!” A distorted voice resonated in her head, getting louder and louder every time until Elyna held onto her ears, screaming for the voice to stop and ran down the stairs.

Monster. Monster. Monster. Monster.


She kept running down the seemingly endless motel compound. Her legs were aching and she couldn’t breath.

When she turned down the corner of an alleyway, she stopped doubled over, her throat closing up, nauseous and dizzy.

When she looked up, there was a large mirror on the wall. It was obviously out if place to have a mirror hanging on an alleyway wall, and Elyna wanted to run away from it.

But a strange force pushed her forward to the mirror.

Timidly, Elyna walked towards it, expecting to see her mother again but all she saw was herself.

It was a sight that she rather didn’t see.

Blood was smeared all over her lips and chin and neck, her eyes were pearly white, her fangs were out. Her hair was dishevelled and there was some blood on them too.

With her hands shaking like crazy, Elyna took some blood from her cheek and smelled it.

It was Stiles’.

Tears again sprung down her eyes as she backed away, pressing both her hands on her mouth to muffle her screams.

She killed him. She had killed him.

She killed Stiles.

Suddenly Aldrich stood beside the girl but stared at her reflection on the mirror.

His eyes were hardened, and his jaws were clenched. “Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to clean up your mess for you every single time? How many times do I need to cover for you?”


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