the one with the mike wazoski stuffed toy

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It was three fifty five and Stiles Stilinski was waiting for Elyna at their spot. Their spot was under a large oak tree in a park near the local library. He could barely contain his own excitement, even though the surprise was for Elyna.

He found it weird that the park was practically empty of kids on a Saturday morning, except for the group of teenagers huddled the corner.
After about four minutes of staring he started to suspect they were werewolves and reached for his laser pen. It looked like normal laser pointer, but Allison had modified the beam to reach to an intensity that will temporarily blind a werewolf and give him a head start.

Then he got tackled from behind with a hug. The only reason he didn't flash the laser beam was because he saw
brown hair fly around his torso.

"Elyna! Don't scare me like that!"

"Aw, is big strong Stiles scared of me?" she teased. He took her arms and spun her around and hugged her.

She was wearing a simple oversized yellow tee shirt with black skinny jeans and black slides. Her hair was down, which he loved. Then she took her scrunchie and put it in a ponytail. He still loved it.

"What are we doing tonight?" She asked, happily bouncing on her heels.

"You'll know. But for now, let's go. I have a day to prove to you that I am not a complete idiot and I intend to make every second count."

Elyna giggled.

He took her hand and walked out of the park and to his jeep. Elyna kept asking about where he was taking her and why it had to be a surprise.

It took everything in him to keep it a secret. With Elyna, all Stiles ever want to do was answer all of her questions and make her smile; like she does for him.

When they were almost there, Stiles parked his jeep a little further away from the actual place. Climbing out of the jeep, Stiles covered Elyna's eyes.

With a weak protest about wanting to see where they were going first, she allowed him to lead her through the park.

He loved how much she trusted him. She trusted him. And he trusted her. Once they got to her surprise, Stiles uncovered Elyna's eyes and enjoyed the amazed look on her face.

A carnival had come into town yesterday and planned on staying for two weeks. Stiles used to come here all of the time when he could as a kid. Mostly with his mom.

"Surprise! The carnival is in town!" he said. She just smiled and took his hand. She leant near him. Too close for him to think that she was going to kiss him.

But Elyna, being the utter cruel person she was, just pulled away.

"Why are we on the other side of all of the fun? Let's goooo...." she asked, not even trying to hide her excitement.

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