the one with untameable feelings

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If there is one thing that Elyna Benston lived by, it was this random quote that she had found on the Tumblr when it was newly launched. "If you are planning to do something today, don’t do it, you will have nothing to do tomorrow."

So, now, Elyna was up even past her usual bedtime, completing the pile of physics homework that she is supposed to submit the next day. Aldrich was home with Deputy Sydney Dawson and they were having sex in his room.

These were the times when Elyna cursed at her super-hearing, because even after she was blasting Mic Drop in full volume on her earphones, she could still hear all the obscene noises.

Elyna really should have called Lydia or Allison for a sleep over the moment she saw Aldrich and Sydney stumbled in the home, tipsy.

Elyna leaned back, chewing on the end of her pen while she glared at a problem that she couldn’t solve, when she heard a soft thump.

Elyna tensed and lowered the volume of the music and sharpened her hearing for the noise again.

There was it, again.

Elyna yanked her earphones off and whirled to her window to see Stiles knocking on her window.

The girl blinked in surprise for her room was in the corner of the second floor and was particularly hard to reach for anyone.

She quickly opened the window, and took a step back, watching the Stilinski boy stumble in her room.

He was trying not to fall face front as he pulled himself in Elyna’s room. His tongue was poking from between his lips from concentration, a habit that he had picked from Elyna.

“What are you doing here? And at this hour? I thought you went home!” Elyna scanned the boy and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Heyyy!” Stiles grinned ear to ear, seemingly unaware of Elyna’s glare.

A sudden burst of air hit Elyna’s face, causing her baby hair to rustle and she scrunched her nose at the smell.

Alcohol. That’s what Stiles smelled like.

“You are drunk.” She commented. Elyna grabbed the wobbly boy and made him sit on her desk chair.

“Hey look, it’s Sherlock Holmes. Big fan! Sorry, I have pictured you as a man, so it is a surprise to see you. I’m sorry, I must have read the books wrong. It’s an honour to meet you. My father, he’s a great fan of you and he loves you. Not- not that kind of love, he just has great admiration for you.” Stiles started to rant, his speech completely slurred.

Elyna raised her eyebrows and looked at the boy, all amused. Stiles suddenly grabbed Elyna by her hand and pulled her down, her face now with level with his.

His warm whiskey eyes darted around, as if he was trying to memorize every single detail of her face. “Now that I see you like are really pretty.”

“Th-that’s the alcohol talking.”

“No, I really find you beautiful.” Stiles pressed on, clearly undaunted with liquid courage. “I really really like you- I swear, I-I will really take good care of you, you know. I will never hurt you.”

Elyna swallowed, abruptly feeling lightheaded, all of this feeling like a fever dream.

Stiles again yanked at Elyna’s wrist, making her drop on his lap.

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