Twenty four

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Dumpings are something you never get used to in here, and this is no exception. Since casa, our villa has been overflown with islanders. 9 couples and Amiah who is single, totaling to a whopping 19 islanders.

"I have a bad feeling about tonight" I whisper to Jaxon who's sat next to me by the fire pit.

Instead of responding, he grips my thigh assuringly.

"I've got a text" Jay says and stands up to read it.

"Islanders, tonight 4 couples will be leaving the villa. The public have been voting for which couples they like the best. In no particular order, texts will be sent out to the couples who are safe. Can all islanders please stand up."

"Oh my god four couples?" Kienna says, as we all stand up.

"Fucking brutal" Hugo responds.

The second text was sent to Molly.

"Molly and Tate, you are now safe. Please sit down."

"Congrats guys" I say, smiling at them both.

They smiled back as they both sat down.

I then got the next text.

"Melbourne and Jaxon, you are now safe. Please sit down."

"Thank god" Jax says, kissing the side of my head as we sit down.

After we sat down the texts continued to be sent out.

"Hugo and Bailey, you are now safe. Please sit down."

"Ally and Vinnie, you are now safe. Please sit down."

"Sydney and Toby, you are now safe. Please sit down"

Once the final text read that Sydney and Toby are safe, that left Kienna and Jay, Josie and Maverick, Kennedy and Issac, and Bria and Joey,  which meant the 8 of them were dumped from the villa. But before anyone could say anything Amiah stands up.

"I just want to say something really quick" she says. "I started this journey with Joey and regardless of him choosing to recouple with Bria, I don't feel comfortable continuing on. I really don't think I'll find anything more than what I had with him. So with that I will also be leaving tonight."

Gasps was all to be heard.

"Please don't go Amiah" I say, standing up to give her a hug. "Please just stay, you never know who might walk through that door."

"I love you Mel but I have to do what feels right for me, and leaving right now is what feels right."

I pull her even closer to me as I feel myself tearing up. It won't be the same without Amiah, she's become one of my closest friends in here and I can't imagine the villa without her.

I let go of Amiah just as Joey comes in to hug her.

"I'm sorry how things went down, I still think so highly of you and hope we can still be friends on the outside" Joey says.

I walked out of earshot because I felt wrong eavesdropping in on their conversation. I made my rounds and hugged and said goodbye to the remaining dumped islanders. Regardless how long I've known these people, it doesn't get easier saying goodbye.

The 30 minute packing period flew by, and before I knew it we were saying goodbye to 9 people.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I say, crying into Amiahs shoulder.

"You're a strong girl, you're gonna be fine," Amiah says, as she wipes my tears. "And between you and me, I always preferred you over Sydney."

We laugh and continue to hug until we were forced apart.

"We love you all!" Everyone says as the dumped islanders walk out of the villa.

"Come here" Jaxon says, as he comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I should be asking how you're feeling, you not only lost one friend but two friends" I say to Jaxon, moving my arms up to hold his.

"I'll be alright" he says, unwrapping himself from me to grab my hand and make our way to the bedroom to get ready for bed.

The atmosphere was a little tense in the girls dressing room. Sydney and I definitely need to speak about what happened this morning in the challenge, but with everything that happened tonight I decided to let it go until the morning. I definitely felt she was mad at me for something though, as she hasn't made an attempt to speak to me about it.

"It's so quiet in here with half the girls gone" Molly says, making small talk to cover up the awkwardness.

"I'll miss the chaos of everyone trying to get ready at the same time" I reply.

We all finished getting ready for bed and as I make my way into the bedroom I get pulled aside by Hugo.

"Mind if we have a quick chat?" He says.

authors note:

Short chapter, but I'm back! It's literally been forever, my apologies! But I will say there's some fun drama to come, potentially a love square ;) see you next time!

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